Started researching fish keeping in 2015 when my wife and I got married, we lived in an apartment next to a fish tank installer and I realized there was a sufficient market in the world for such a thing and it blew my mind. Also started an itch that is not yet satisfied to some day get into some serious saltwater tank ideas, but that is for another day and a larger budget than I can justify.
We currently have a 10gal planted tank with 5 neon tetras, 3 bandit corydoras, 2 (1currently) nerite snails, 1 flame gorami.
we got a corner tank because it fits nicely in the corner of our kids room where the temperature stays nice and steady and I am able to control the amount of light that gets to the tank. The hang on back filter I followed some of the ideas from the filter boosting YouTube video that Cory posted and it is currently providing the aeration, which means there is a pleasant constant sound of water flowing that works as good as any noise machine for the kids to fall asleep to.
threw in a piece of aquarium wood, a sunken battleship and a treasure chest, planted some cool plants around and this setup has been as close to no maintenance as any out there. I clean filters and do a 1 gal water change once per week and monitor the levels of chemical and haven’t had any significant hang ups.