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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. @Saltinthedesert do you mean Reverse Respiration? Soaking plants in seltzer water to kill pests/algae (but the CO2 benefits the plant in the meantime)? Or did you use some kind of chemical? https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/24465-reverse-respiration/
  2. Based on what I’ve seen so far in this thread, I have no business posting here, but here’s my 1 crypt. I’m new to crypts, but it seems happy. I feed her Easy Green and root tabs.
  3. My bolivian ram is perfectly happy living with 14 tetras. They do their thing and he does his. The only time there is ever any conflict is when they are greedy with sinking food. The bottom is his turf, and he lets them know. So I try to do flakes or a mid-level food along with any sinking food I offer.
  4. The Fritz dark water, while convenient, is not as dark as the tea solution from boiling almond leaves. 3c tea in a gallon jug of water, topped off, is darker than Fritz. But Fritz is a time saver, so it’s in the rotation. There’s a big leaf in the tank as well. Those looking to have a true dark water look should not depend on Fritz.
  5. I’ve seen that method. It could possibly help but I don’t have a shelf or anything near this tank, and to do a drip, the bucket would have to be above tank level which further complicates things. Also I’m due for a top off and wondering how to accomplish it if new water supposedly kills shrimp. Maybe I can top off with water from the other tank. This pic is not current but just so you can see the stand.
  6. Does bypass occur when the filter is unmodded and using default media (ie: cartridges) and can you replicate cartridge use to prevent bypass? I remember those DIY cartridge kits where you’d get a frame and a floss pouch that slides over it, and you can fill that pouch with what you want (generally carbon was recommended, as manufacturers tend to do, to promote water clarity, but as we know, carbon is no bueno for plants). The frame had a little clip to hold the pouch in place. It could be filled with Phospure granules! Hmm…
  7. Thanks! He was first to the top for his brine shrimp this morning. 🙂
  8. So I went to remove some limpets from the glass. Because you know, I didn’t RR the piece of anacharis before putting it in there.. anyway I removed them and they floated off… and Geppetto ate them! He acted like he was hunting them and followed them and CHOMP! Hopefully he digests them ok. He ate like 4 or 5.
  9. Same here! When I started in the hobby there was no internet; there was just word of mouth or trial & error. I love the ease of research we can perform now to find out the specific needs of plants and creatures before we make our purchases. As well as troubleshooting things such as illnesses.
  10. I find it very charming. He also watches what I’m doing, wherever I am in the room. He will come to that side of the tank and observe, and often he wiggles, I think to get my attention?
  11. I keep Louis Philippe roses (hope i spelled it right). They are considered old world roses, and they are suuuper low maintenance. I don’t do anything to them except the once a year fertilization with time release stuff. They get their water from my automated sprinkler system. I have another rosebush called Bermuda, it produces pink roses in 3 shades on the same bush. That one is not flowering right now but maybe it will now that I fed it. I think everyone deserves some nice tank water on water change day.
  12. You can always add a pouch of phospure to the hob. Your mama cories are super happy! I see they’ve hung the ornaments on your Christmas tree.
  13. Big box stores sell the suction cups that hold heaters. Maybe those could work.
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