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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I would suggest doing a large water change with Prime, or another dechlorinator that detoxifies ammonia. Do this daily until ammonia reads 0. I would also recommend adding bottled bacteria such as Fritz Zyme 7 to beef up your biological filtration again. (Use the dosage recommended for new tanks)
  2. Some of the folks with axolotl tanks use that reflective stuff to keep the tanks cool. Maybe you can use that to keep the tanks warm. It’s like bubble wrap but it is firmer and it is silver. They make car sun shields out of it. I think it is called Mylar? And it just gets wrapped around 3 sides of the tank.
  3. My first cat apparently went in a drawer while I was getting ready for work. In a rush, I shut the drawer and left. I worked a double. Came home, couldn’t find him. Retraced my steps. Started looking random places; I lived in a small apartment at the time so not many places he could go. I opened the drawer and he yawned, did a huge stretch, and lazily stepped out with his eyes half open. I was traumatized, and he was like, whatever.
  4. One of the reviewers for the snail remover on ACO shop said that it’s a great tool to remove cory eggs from glass with no damage.
  5. I recently tried the ACO ammonia test strips but I can never tell what the reading is between the 2 greens. So I just go by “blue says to change water” and the reading is not blue. And the API nitrate drops test is hard to read. I usually just guess “it’s between this and this.” If I use the strips I always get a zero reading which is clearly not right. I use the API strips for pH, and that reading is clear.
  6. My crinum lost all of its long tendrils. Not sure if it is because it was next to the heater or it was acclimating to submersion. I moved it and trimmed (butchered) it. It has long, sturdy taproots now so I think it is going to do something again.
  7. The LFS chops driftwood up into little chunks and sells em for $2.50 each. That’s what this is. I like buying them for small tanks.
  8. That’s awful. I added more to the post so you can see how I prepared it. I used your moss idea. The edges did not feel rough and were not a concern.
  9. This is the driftwood. These crevices were my main concern for his fins getting caught. I decided on the safest side and glued moss. I actually ran out of glue so I just used a bamboo skewer to shove moss into the crevices. I carefully placed it into the tank, and none of the moss came off. Geppetto lowered his landing gear and touched down for the inspection. (Edit: ok, there’s a piece by his fin that came off. Just a little piece.) He seems to approve. Hopefully it will make some delicious biofilm soon. But there is some biofilm in there in the meantime. Kratos already ate most of the algae though. I was fortunate that it sank. Probably because I had boiled it a couple weeks ago. It was dry today but was not buoyant, so that’s a plus.
  10. Of course they take it to the carpet! 😂 They probably notice the carpet doesn't have enough crumbs in it and try to "help". My mom's dog does this. She just goes a few feet away from the dish, from the tile to the carpeted area, and then eats the food. I grew up w/ dogs but I have cats now. I adopted a cat when I was in an apartment in PA and I wasn't supposed to have pets (can sneakily keep a cat but if it's a dog, it barks and you need to walk the dog, so the landlord finds out. LOL). Or should I say the cat adopted me. Was a stray cat. Kept following me around. So that was that. Haha. Now it's been cats ever since.
  11. That's awesome! Ever play on the ice? Possibly! Great idea! I do need to keep the wood exposed for Kratos to graze on the biofilm, but I could tuck moss into a crevice here or there if it seems like a concern for the long-finned gentleman.
  12. I thought you were asking about the plastic lily pad that he got. Which I actually never gave to him. It smelled chemical-ly and is getting returned. You would have hockey sticks. Because you wouldn't be nabokov fan if you didn't. 😂 5.5g. Which was actually an upgrade for him because he was in a divided 10g (because he was bad and couldn't get along w/ mystery snails) and that did not leave him much horizontal swimming room. Now he oversees this whole realm. Thanks! I've just been boiling almond leaves and then mixing that liquid with dechlorinated water. I do about 3 cups of the tea and fill the rest of the gallon jug w/ the water. Been making a couple of jugs like that. I'm also going to be trying out Fritz Dark Water. I have it, but haven't used any yet. I figure I would try it out when my schedule is busier, because making the tea takes time. 2 leaves per pot of water. Boil, turn off burner, then let soak overnight. Then measure; transfer to jugs. Maybe. It's more like crevices in the wood I'm concerned about; not so much the surface of the wood. Worried his fin will drag through one of the crevices and when he gets to the end of the wood, it will get pinched. I'll take a look at it again later. I might be acting overly cautious. Water skis only. 🙂
  13. Thanks goodness for that. I was looking through a veterinary textbook the other day, flipped the page and learned some terminology. The next chapter was on smaller animals and had this diagram. Hey @Odd Duck. How come dogs take a piece of food out of their dish, carry it a distance away, and then eat it there, and continue to do that through the whole meal? Back & forth, back & forth. Maybe we could do that and burn off some calories. 🤣 I should’ve done that at Thanksgiving.
  14. Omg how sneakyyyyyyy! & @Odd Duck God bless you for caring for sick animals. It must be difficult at times, and I imagine other times it can be very rewarding. I use these locking jars for candy. @Minanora did they eat the sticks from the suckers also?
  15. It can look silver also. Depends on lighting. Wow, those are awesome.
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