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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I put a lily bulb in the 29 and another in the shrimp tank, now that I’ve cleared the jungle out of there. Geppetto will get his bulb on Tuesday when I do his water change.
  2. Big cleanup on the shrimp tank. I’m breaking up with anacharis. Erin is going to adopt it. She needs nitrate control for her axolotl. Anacharis is too unruly for me. Shrimp taking an Uber. Taking @nabokovfan87’s ladder suggestion for the new water. My lightweight ladder worked well and is the perfect height. Fingers crossed nobody checks out in the next day or so. About 1/16 of this microsword was actually in the substrate. I used plant weights to tack the runners. I left the water sprite in there. It is more manageable, and the shrimp appreciate floating plants. I tried my best to hide equipment too. I plan to pick up some hardscape soon. Is it fine to let the catappa dissolve? That’s what I’ve been doing.
  3. After reassembling the filter and moving the airstone away from the intake, no more noise. Yeah it’s not gonna be a permanent thing in there. But it’s ok for now, he’s having fun. The crinum is recovering. And here’s Kratos doing his thing.
  4. Pebble on glass. Also noticed some minor bypass. After I reloaded the sponge, the bypass stopped. I did remove and inspect the impeller and as much of the housing for it as I could access. I also stuck my finger in the impeller compartment and could not feel any foreign objects.
  5. Bon Bon was doing that foot curl thing again today. I saw on another thread it was a pose that a paralyzed snail was stuck in. I am concerned this is the second time in a week. The first time she was zooming within 5 minutes of the stance. Today I put a Repashy cube right next to her and she woke right up and starting munching. What on earth is going on??
  6. Thanks @Bev C! Tonight I heard a noise from the filter. Heard it over the Tv. Like an occasional click. (??) Opened the filter, putrid smell. Couldn’t figure out the click. Biowheel was spinning; things looked fine. Disassembled filter (with gloves on), rinsed out intake tubes etc. Still ??? Meanwhile the aquarium looked hazy and smelled bad. Had the hardest time finding Hampshire but he was fine. So were all the other snails. Fish seem ok too but maybe breathing a little heavy? Some snails went to the surface to breathe air. The only thing is I can’t remember if I have 9 black neons or 10. I counted 9. Idk. Roy, the fella I quarantined for a few months, was there. All good with him. I did a water test for ammonia. It was zero. Again, ??? So I changed water and vac the tank. Used Prime. It’s a mystery. I do think the clicking from the filter was just air bubbles going into the intake. Soooo… after all that I went to the mailbox. 3 lily bulbs from @Guppysnail. Thank you! 😍 Since the moonlighting is on and I just upset everybody with the night time emergency (?) water change, I put the bulbs in some dechlorinated water under the grow light in my garage.
  7. I installed cable raceways. —— I’m not done yet. That power strip really needs to come up off the floor. And the inside of the cabinet will need to be cleaned up too, but at least it’s out of sight.
  8. They looks pretty but bright colors in nature usually = bad news.
  9. Mainly making tanks more natural environments for the creatures. A strong focus on live plants, and natural decor such as rocks and driftwood. There is a move away from store-bought ornaments, and a focus on the needs of each species. For example making sure a tank’s habitat, temp, pH, etc… are adequate for all creatures that live there. Embracing microfauna and microflora- the little creature or algae that also live in the tank. I think the old school way was to “clean it away” but the newer way of thinking is that each little creature or plant is part of an ecosystem and plays a role.
  10. I went to Sea World yesterday. Thought I’d share some of the sites. I was standing alongside the Dolphin nursery, and this young one surfaced to prop her snoot… and took a nap! Manta, a roller coaster I went on. Aquariums to enjoy in line for Manta. After riders are seated, seats tilt to flying position. Uncertain girl on the right was not smiling after her ride 🤣. I thought the ride was great. Mako was even better. Very steep and high speeds. Must be a hyper coaster, but I didn’t look it up to be sure. The third coaster I went on was Icebreaker. When you board, the whole train slides sideways to a different track where you go forward and backwards a couple times and do some corkscrews. It was “just ok”. Not as thrilling or as fast as the other two. When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s a moray. (Sorry- diver humor. LOL) Nurse shark resting. When I noticed the sawtooth shark I got so excited and frantically trying to access the camera app. Come to realize my one foot was on a moving walkway starting to put me into a split. 🤣 Hence the crappy photos. In Antarctica, this one little penguin friend was taking a long time to decide which was the best spot to jump in the pool. I didn’t catch all of his decision-making in the video, there was a lot of cute little hopping up and down off of the rocks, each hop followed by a look in the pool with head tilts. This video captures how the story unfolded. The whales in the whale show participate voluntarily. If they choose to participate, they get treats like fish, a special jello the trainers make, ice cubes, and rub downs. If they choose not to participate, that’s cool too. I’ve been to some shows where the whales didn’t want to do stuff, so the trainers will just play videos and teach the crowd about conservation efforts and how the animals are very social with each other and with people. We still got to see the whales swim around though. They just didn’t feel like doing the stunts that day. SeaWorld explains they take great care to ensure the animals’ social needs are met and that they have enrichment in their environment. (Side note: There’s a movie about controversy re: Sea World; I didn’t watch that. What I know from living here is Sea World is very involved in marine rescue, my cousin has been behind the scenes in the training program and had a positive experience there, and Sea World made changes since the movie such as people no longer get in the water with the animals.) The show I attended, the whales did some jumping, and sliding out onto a platform, and the customary sideways swimming while using her tail to splash massive waves onto the audience. These splashes go about 10 rows back, so that goes to show the power these creatures have! Then the trainers announced they were starting an audience participation bit, but the whales decided to just perform the grand finale, so the show is always different. The AV crew is equipped to change music and lights or whatnot quickly based on what the whales choose to do. The show ended when 5 whale tails emerged from the water and waved goodbye. (Cute) Random photo/video dump. One part of Sea World is dedicated to Sesame Street. I’m cool with that. It takes me back. Who remembers Telly???? I had forgotten about him! He’s so old school! 😍 And I had forgotten about this gal too- I do not remember her name. Robin, maybe? Nativity story performance And most of the day I could feel my skin burning - how they pulled off an outdoor ice show in FL, I will never know. But they did. These guys did everything - triple axles and the spins, the slinging partners around with their faces just above the ice- but most impressive were the handsprings. Funny, I haven’t been to the parks in some 10+ years (except Universal). Company I used to work with would let us all go in for free once a year after dark. So this year my mom & I thought it would be nice to go when the parks are all decorated for the holidays.
  11. @tolstoy21 I saw them in 2018. Since you’re a Gish fan, here’s Rhinoceros from the finest nosebleed seat $30 can buy! The show was excellent. They also did a cover of Space Oddity.
  12. Forgot about Boy George? Here's a quick jam session he recently had with Terry Miles. Everything is improv.
  13. Having a bad day? Impossible not to smile on "Dr. K's" channel. Caution: you might dance out of your chair.
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