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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Wow. I don’t blame you. It’s traumatic! I moved the FL because there’s no ice 😏 but when it rains it comes down in sheets with very little visibility and roads often have a few inches of water during these storms. Driving in those conditions so many times fortunately desensitized me to the anxiety, for the most part. If you do it so many times and nothing bad happens, you can relax a little. Oh my gosh, soooo cute!!!
  2. Had to just post an update on this bulb from @Guppysnail December 4: Gave root tab Dec 4. December 17: Also a pic of Geppetto because he’s so handsome.
  3. It was. She shared it with Amethyst. Goliath had a growth spurt! Last few days I’ve only seen 1 shrimp. So I don’t know if everyone’s ok in there. Looking around all the decor and substrate, I don’t see anything unusual though.
  4. I love this! 😍 When I was a little girl I used to have a music box that played this tune.
  5. I have a wonderful suggestion, and it's cheap too. It's the Aquarium Co Op nano airpump which only uses a half volt and it has a usb plug that can plug into a 20000 mAh power bank (like you'd use for electronics such as a smartphone). I got 52 hours runtime out of this simple setup during the hurricane.
  6. Welcome to the forum! Using salt will slow your beneficial bacteria causing the ammonia spike. The bacteria will spring back but it will take time. Be sure to use a dechlorinator w/ the ammonia detoxifying feature if you intend to keep the salt level as-is in the tank. @modified lung might be able to explain better how the salt affects the bacteria. The way I understand it is, the more salt you add at once, the longer it takes the bacteria to recover. But they will. (Ammonia also could have been caused by dead fish in the water as @MattyM previously suggested) I suspect these first few fish died due to lack of oxygen in the water during the power outage, compromising their immune system. I suspect the next fish died due to ammonia which occurred as a result of the slowed bacteria, or if not the ammonia, just the after effects of the power outage stress.
  7. WOW!!!!! Glad you're ok. My dad is a retired mechanic, owned his own shop, taught me how to drive. Always told me if I lose traction and start fishtailing to turn into it. I did that, and I seemed to recover, but then just a moment later, a mega back-and forth fishtail happened and sent me into the 180. It was strange, like a side to side wobbling kinda, and then the spin. Turning into it didn't matter. When you don't have traction, not much helps. But I tried. I had anxiety every time I drove in the rain or snow after that. Took a few years to get over that.
  8. I love it. It blends in so well. You cannot tell unless you look into the side of the tank. And the tank is near the floor. So it’s his secret. Hopefully he figures it out.
  9. Nope! I mean, he does swim through that but it’s not new. He likes to rest on it. He put some bubbles under it too.
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