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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. @nabokovfan87hopefully, im being very strict with my egg seperation process, if it doesnt look EXTREMELY amber/fertile its platy food, ive had such bad luck with this in the past, im determined to succeed right now. ive raised the temp back up to 78 to try to speed up hatching a little so there are less chances for fungusing on the eggs. Once they hatch im going to try to have live BBS ready for them as soon as they've started wiggling, ive starved cory fry once too. I will need to setup my ziss breeder box once they hatch and move them there, so i dont need to constantly do water changes, then after a few weeks (And once my platy females in the 5 have given birth) they will get moved into the 5gallon which should be full of platy fry by then, ive raised these fry in harmony before i can do it again, assuming there is no extreme size difference, which there shouldn't be.
  2. please test the water a post that here, there are many variables that could affect it apart from the easy green.
  3. @nabokovfan87 how can you tell? The picture is horrible. But yes, looking at the eggs, mostly amber colored, no way ill be able to get a picture. I did my monthly root tabbing a minute ago, as well as propagated a very dense anubias petite, that i have not touched since i got it 1year ago, i got 3 little plants off of it, growing slower then the barteri i got more recently, which ive made like 6 plants off of. there are the new anubias i made, glue to rocks, the filter floss is a trick i learned to stop the plants from drying out. I put the plants in this container, then cover them with moist filter floss and it keeps them wet, very useful if im waiting for super glue to dry
  4. because why not ive decided to post some assorted pictures from my tank; is there such thing as too many platies? probably not for a while. cory eggs in catch cup, with more photo bombing platies
  5. ive never had SAE, i was just sharing my experience with a similar fish. @nabokovfan87has a Red Tailed Black Shark, which is also a similar species.
  6. i would check the Tazawa Tanks youtube channel that @Zenzo has, he talks alot about various shell dwellers there.
  7. here is my suggestions/experience. My panda garra had been in a 5gallon QT tank, wouldnt eat anything, repashy, pellets, nothing. After the QT period i moved him into my 20gallon tank, the next day, going crazy on some pellets, now he eats fine. My theory there was the stress of the small tank on him, might be the same here. Also sick fish are not very energetic eaters, are there are desease symptoms on the fish? Is it being treated with meds/salt?
  8. @TheSwissAquarist i shall insult your endlers 😄 Your endlers look so good, i thought they were underfed discus Your endlers look so good they could win guppy competitions Your endlers look so good that aquascapers quit competitions if they see your endlers in a competing tank.
  9. its in journals where it comes up
  10. id prefer to be able to check the tank mobiley to make sure nothing is wrong
  11. my best advice for fishkeeping on a budget, if you have one get a good relationship going with your LFS, ive gotten small discounts and livestock trades from mine and saved money.
  12. Does anyone know or use any good underwater cameras for observing fish?
  13. @nabokovfan87has bred them, from what i understand, its a temperature drop and live foods as with other corydora speicies.
  14. @Ohad a few questions: 1.how is the PH in that tank 2.does the kit have any good way to stop adding C02 at night? do i just need to add my own control valve? can it be hooked up to a timer?
  15. fair point. I apologize for my complaints @Chick-In-Of-TheSea@TheSwissAquarist, i guess i need to learn from my corydoras and be a little more tolerant.
  16. @Cinnebunsmy theory is that it cut itself on something in the tank.
  17. ive heard Platies and Swordtails do well outdoors. I am planning on move some platies out this spring myself.
  18. Ive had issues seperating eggs in the past due to my tweezers being broken so the tip couldnt get a find enough grip, but some simple bending and they are working again,and will be used to seperate infertile eggs as/if they come up. unnecessary pictures of me holding my tweezers:
  19. . So i made a thread, post all the dog picture you want here, and stop putting them on fish content please? 🙏
  20. rescaping is SO much easier then changing substrates.
  21. youve got that right. i have changed substrates multiple times (From gravel to sand, and then sand to gravel) and it is very annoying. You need to 1.unplant everything, and take everything out of them tank, except for maybe water, fish, and filter. 2. scoop out all the old substrate straining between scoops to not take too much water with it 3.have somewhere to put the old substrate 4.get a new substrate and wash it 5. Put that substrate in 6.Rescape 7.you just lost a major source of BB, hopefully your tank is very understocked. take it from me, its not work it.
  22. true, i dont know much about these fish, my idea being; put them with other large semi-aggressive fish that can take care a bit of aggression and return it.
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