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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. nope. Not getting anything new. First of all my LFS has bad otos. also my fishkeeping budget right now is like $10, and my current fish can take of it. My nerite snail is very effective at the diatoms, and Garra Guy has been eating at it aswell. Also 4week QT period, algae could be gone by then. Its not worth breaking my fish plan or my budget for an unnecessary algae solution.
  2. im really hoping this is not all for the same tank... im joking, i know that @TheSwissAquarist is a competant enough fishkeeper not to do stupid things. the apistos would bully the heck out the of ADFs and glass cats if they got breeding, and Glass Cats, and Apistos will eat shrimp...
  3. the outbreak apears to be Hair and Green and Brown diotom. Nothing i/my fish once persuaded cant handle. Not going for the chemicals at all, that is not my style. Too many things could go wrong, i dont even own algae killing chemicals.
  4. @Stephan1973 check your plants. I they are yellowing, or developing holes, or other signs of nutrient deficiencies you will want to does something like Easy Green, but if they are healthy, If it aint broke dont fix it.
  5. ive probably killed a bunch of plantlets myself this way. 🙄
  6. my high today was 31F, low was around 13F, we are in a cold winter, but our weather has been odd, we had mid 50s a few days ago.
  7. I try to feed enough food that i can see all my fish eating, but not so much that it is still there 3hours later, this will be different for repashy as it is designed to be very water stable.
  8. ive noticed this with my Java Ferns, the babies have small rhizomes. the one thing id be concerned about is smoking out the small rhizome with glue, if it is covered which is not hard with a small plant like this/
  9. I will preface this to say I am no novice to the Platy Fish, I obsess over them, and try to learn about them as much as possible. I will also say i can breed this fish till the cows come home. This post is not "I cant breed platies, Help" but "Ive noticed something odd, have you?" ive been noticing something very odd about my platy males. It is recommended to keep platies in a 2:1, or 3:1 female to male ratio, so the males do not completely harass the females. I do agree with this. But for some reason, my males with choose favorites. At first it was when i first had platies, January 2022. I started with 1male and 2 females, and i noticed that the male would only pay attention to one of the females, this i easily explained to myself that the male was around an inch, his favorite female was a little bigger, and the other female was between 2-3 inches, but that doesnt explain what im seeing now. With my platy breeding project (Read about it here: https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/30642-platy-color-breeding-project-journal/ ) i had a male and 3 females together in a 5gallon tank, they are all the same size. This was because i wanted the male to breed with the females, for interesting color varieties. However i noticed this odd behavior AGAIN. The moved out female has been glass surfing the side of the tank closer to the 5gallon tank, and so has the male in the 5gallon. They can see each other. This is confusing for me, as i thought for something like a platy, the males were not picky about their females, but it looks here they are. Choosing mates is often a Cichlid/terrestrial animal trait. Another thing ive noticed is clear signs of loneliness. Platies are definetly social fish, they are not "Shoaling" fish, but they will be so much happier if you give them friends. I have had lone platies, they really try to seek out friends. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Or are these small fish just more intelligent than we thought? (someone will probably respond, and ill feel like an idiot for suggesting that platies are highly intelligent, but i think there is something here). Further testing is required. I shall be the first to mirror test a platy! I dont think they are einsteins obviously, but who knows, i seem to be seeing they are more then the instinctual small fish we think they are. (Im gonna try to @ some platy addicts on here. I know @PineSong is on team platy, im not sure who else is obsessed with them that much though, if anyone that sees this knows anyone on here that is obssessed with platies, please @ them , im trying to gain others experiences in this theory)
  10. ACO did an article on them a few years ago: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/clown-killifish?_pos=1&_sid=3bec5fc84&_ss=r
  11. Update: ALGAE!!!! my first thought, "I need amano shrimp, and hillstream loaches, and cherry shrimp, and everything that will eat algae" my second thought: I have algae eaters, platies will eat my hair algae, and Garra Guy will eat the flat stuff. my third thought: my fish are spoiled rotten, why would they eat algae when they could eat yummy pellets and wafers. So my fish will have a fast. Ill start with a week and see if they start on algae, i suspect the platies will, and possibly Garra Guy aswell. I have seen a few of my platies occasionly pick at the hair algae, but i want to get more of them eating it. I also will turn down my ACO light from 4->3, i think my issue with this algae is caused by too bright lighting, considering most of my plants are low light. IDK does excessive lighting brightness cause algae? Ill try though, ill post here if these methods work.
  12. Update Today: I noticed my male that i was trying to breed was picking females, there was only 1female the male would pay attention to, and breed with. I have moved this female out to my 2gallon tank, she is pregnant from this male and i will leave here there to give birth. I will need to keep monitoring the situation. If this male is stubborn and wont breed with the other females, i will try one of two things. 1.switch out the male for another of the same color pattern 2.add a male/introduce a male to the 2gallon right next to it. Let my target male know there is competition for his females. (I got this tip from Dean on a Aquarist Podcast episode)
  13. im assuming Barf in this case does not mean what im thinking of. Is it in another language, or an acronym? because who wants thrown up pet food? It makes your pets throw up?
  14. sorry if this is just me not seeing something but where is the Mark As Solution button? Im getting all these emails to mark as solution, but i see nowhere to do this.
  15. ill definetly check it out. I was more refering to a yeast, sugar reaction, but this might work fine.
  16. i think you misunderstand my setup @Lennie. Fine maybe 10 rummynose lets say, and 8sterbais, put in a few wafers, the pygmies can get food. I have 6albino cories, 1panda garra, and around 30juvinile platies, even dropping in 5-6 wafers, they are devoured very quickly. My fish are very aggressive eaters.
  17. Many of you might know my continued struggle to jungalalize my tank. I know C02 can boost plant growth, but i dont need it so much for a canister, ive heard about doing it DIY though, and its got me curious. Ive heard it often doesnt last too long, but i dont need it for so long, just long enough to get my plants bigger, faster. Does anyone here use DIY C02? how is it working for you?
  18. yup those are on my bucketlist for sure. The wouldnt work well in my current setup, the platies would outcompete them for food, however if i restocked my tank, i would do at least 12 of them.
  19. same. Both my standard and windelov have been making plantlets, both from the tips and on the leaves
  20. ive never seen this plant for sale. So sourcing might be an issue. and also, a fast growing crypt? sign me up for one.
  21. now you are all making me sad i cant have one right now.
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