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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. i followed the instructions on the bottle and still had Nitrite, so it clearly didnt add any Benefical Bacteria
  2. Update (for no one because this has no followers, i guess its for me): Ive just made a thread to ask about cycling. After swapping out the sponge filter, i have no nitrite just nitrate, i will make the final call on when to add shrimp once i get replies to that thread, but this tank is making good progress
  3. Im aware cycling in itself is a complex topic. Im working on it for my 2.5gallon shrimp tank. The aproaches i decided to take, were pretty much all of them. I tried using some stability, to no avail. I tested Nitrite in my water. Ive added fish food as an ammonia source, and easy green for the plants, as im trying a plant cycling. The plants in this tank are Anubias, moss, hornwort, and duckweed. The video i was reccomended suggests waiting till you see new growth on the plants, ive been seeing growth on the hornwort, and the duckweed. The other method i used was used filter media. I floated a sponge from my main tank HOB, added rockwool i got with a plant from the LFS, and swapped out the sponge filter with an established one. Now my testing indicates no Nitrite or Ammonia, just Nitrate which my plants are consuming. Does this mean my tank is cycled?
  4. @TheSwissAquarist a few will go to my friend when he's ready for them. Yeah, my LFS will take platies from me, i try to bring them larger amounts when possible, and maybe get a trade for the platies. even though the fish dont work for my breeding project, platies are still popular fish,and people will buy them.
  5. @Chick-In-Of-TheSeanope completely different fish. Platies are smaller, and the genus is different.
  6. sorry if this is pretty bad, its my first meme:
  7. Probably not, but i will try very hard to pretend i do. I have a 5gallon tank that im using for this project, and could throw some into my 20gallon if needed. I will probably just have a very heavily culling process. (Culling meaning going to the LFS, im not killing them)
  8. @TheSwissAquarist its rather complicated. But i want to take my male's colors, and breed in a blue sheen, and red fins. So my target platy has reddish fins, iridescent blue front, orange middle, deep red back, and than a stripe running through it. I have some work to do, its a good thing i really like these fish.
  9. This will be a thread where i will talk about my platy breeding project. Im doing this because i really like platies, hence my username. I have here a picture of the male im using for this project. the females would not cooperate for a picture, but ill try to get pictures of them later in this thread. to clarify slightly, in the second picture, there are NOT 4fish just 2 reflections. Also the male is the one with the red in the back, orange in the front, and the black stripe. one of the females im trying to breed (this male's favorite) is also in these pictures, the female is the yellow one with the red fins.
  10. @PineSongyeah im trying to have the bottom part be a nice jungle, but leave some swimming room, im still working on my plant game. Its funny. Occasionally i think to myself "If i rehomed a lot of my juvinile platies, id have more room for what i want" and than i realize, my tank with its plants and water change schedules despite what it looks like with 30+platies in there, is not overstocked. and im not trying to add a pleco or anything, im trying to add kuhli loaches, which are said to have very low bioloads.
  11. @Gannon take a look at this article glass and upsidedown catfish are definetly oddballs:https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/30-gallon-oddball-fish
  12. alright new journal underway, with a new tank setup. It is a 2.5gallon planted "corner tank" and the plan is to house cherry shrimp (Of multiple colors) and some mini ramshorn snails in it. Here is a picture: the black thing floating in the water is a sponge from my HOB because im still trying to cycle this tank. The only inhabitants are 2 or 3 mini ramshorn snails that snuck in on plants, and i dont feel like taking them out. If you have any tips on cycling it would be appreciated here. i just dont plan on posting here super often, as this is supposed to be a very low maintenance tank.
  13. free shrimp i might take you up on that offer...
  14. as long as its not sharp it should be safe. they should not eat adult shrimp, but make sure there is enough food for the shrimp as panda garras are agressive eaters.
  15. i would suggest Corydora Habrosus. They get like 1 1/2 inches, and are very similar to pygmy cories, just bigger, you could also just do pygmy cories.
  16. on the live food topic, you cant just do BBS or dafnia?
  17. sure, i just keep one. Its a male (Thats not relevant) and he is fine alone. He eats very healthy, and seems to have no problems say a neon tetra would have if you kept it alone. For more details PM me, im trying not to spam this thread with unnecessary information.
  18. i understand youd be thinking that its not an endler, and something else, possibly an egg on a plant. however @TheSwissAquaristwas talking about this on their journal and we have confirmed that it is an endler
  19. @KittenFishMomhow about i give the algae wafer to Garra Guy instead? Im sure he'll appreciate it.
  20. sure why not, i mean if you call it cheating, what happens? There is no reward on this, nor is there punishment. Ill call it reseating. (RESearch, chEATING)
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