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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. i wish the employees at my LFS were a little more educated, so its not like it is now where they "think its a rotala"
  2. 1. they are not as expensive so companies make less money on them 2. I feel if someone sees a canister filter, it feels advanced, and like you are doing something, you dont get that feel with a UG filter, but my grandfather has a UG filter on his tank.
  3. maybe wait a week or two for the plants to get much bigger, causing many line of sight blocks, as you can see currently all plants stop in the middle of the tank, which could be a warground for the puffers.
  4. My guess is a Trimac cichlid, it looks like a flowerhorn, without the head thingy.
  5. After seeing the serpa design video on these frogs it got my curious/wanting one or two, can anyone tell me about these frogs. Wondering about Feeding, Tankmates,and Breeding. @Patrick_G
  6. often hair algae is caused by too much iron. Nerite snails and otocinclus are flat algae eaters, they wont touch it, while amanos will eat it if they are hungry. I recommend fasting the tank for a week. The animals (Assuming its not super young fry) will be fine, and the amanos should start working at the algae.
  7. id say look into the culture, if you can see little white dots and worms and whatnot moving around, those are what you are trying to feed, and it will be fine, otherwise you might just be giving your fry water.
  8. So i have a few small stems of elodea/anatchis that i got from a lab, and i want to put them in my new shrimp tank. However im confused how to plant it, on youtube the people say to put it near the gravel, but it floats if i do that, so How do i plant this stem plant?
  9. i like it, my only note is you might want to put in a cave of some sort, as some bettas can be pretty shy.
  10. My note on the infusoria culture smell, is just DONT SMELL IT. It smells like what it is, rotting vegetation. Ive never tried a DIY BBS hatcher so IDK. I do like Easy Fry and Small Fish Food, or a Repashy powder for fry.
  11. i recall @Cory saying on a livestream that plants went up because of shipping, but that doesnt explain why it would happen at the retail store... @brandonnaturallyprobably know something about this.
  12. you could definetly do something like Vallisneria, get one pot and from what i hear it wil grow in quickly giving you a nice jungle, without having to buy 30 plants.
  13. @TheSwissAquarist yeah, i read this journal wrong, thinking one of the first pages was the last page, or something like that. sorry about that. But really, naming a fish aquaman, it has MAN in its name. I guess i cant make fun as my panda garra is named Garra Guy, but i agree with you not that creative of a name. Its like naming a dog batman, because batman has a dog...
  14. i feel like ocean is the perfect name. 1.Its an aquatic animal 2. at the end of the fish it starts light blue, than gets darker all the way to black on the head. Hence the ocean, at the surface its light blue, as you get deeper, it gets darker, until its black
  15. it might be a bacterial bloom, i recall @Cory mentioning in a livestream that meds can affect the water compositon, and the bacteria might not be used to it. You should test the water definetly, make sure there is no ammonia or anything, and you could try some filter floss in a filter to catch fine particles.
  16. Yeah mine breed weekly, i just always have trouble hatching the eggs. Im working on it.
  17. @Lizzie Block are there any specific requirements to win a package, or do you just have to be helpful on this forum?
  18. the only fish art i have near my tanks is a corydora i sketched. Its not that good, but looks realistic.
  19. Update today, for whoever cares, which is like 4 people: As a platy breeder ive got like 40 platies in my tank, and a member of my family came up to it and said "You have a lot of fish, isnt this overstocked" and im just like "PLANTS!". Anyway, got new cory eggs, a few are fertile, hoping they stay this way, and my java fern windelov is giving up plantlets. Also if i can get to Michael's tommorow i will be able to start setting up my 2.5gallon cherry shrimp tank.
  20. i believe that @Colu knows alot about this subject.
  21. i didnt get much advice as a newbie, but the best stuff i got was from my grandfather who has fish "Add fish slowly" dont overload a new system. Best advice i could give is: "Keep fish you enjoy" to give an example, say IDK african cichlids are whats big in this hypothetical world, and if you dont keep them you're a fake fishkeeper. So fine, you set up an african cichlid tank. But say, for whatever reason, you hate african cichlids, what will that tank look like. It will be bare, and covered with poop and algae. But if you like guppies, your guppy tank will be jungled and clean. Keep fish you enjoy, and fish that you will take care of, and give a good enviroments. Why do you think its so common for 3common goldfish+heavily fed+ ten gallon tank+ green water, because those people dont care. "yes i do" they say. "Im not an animal cruelist" they say, and yet if they cared, it would be a 55gallon goldfish tank, and it would be clear water, and happy goldfish. So yes after a rant, (Sorry goldfish people) thats my advice, keep fish you like.
  22. i have had my albinos spawning on a weekly schedule, my issue is usually none of the eggs hatch, and even when i had 200 eggs, 1 hatched.
  23. no i have the tumbler, im talking about fry.
  24. The neon tetras and endlers have a risk of getting eaten by the angelfish when it gets big, so angelfish might not be the best option for this tank.
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