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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. what other fish are in there? also what temp is is that you would need to move the danios. Angels are pretty temperature moderate and can tolerate like 72-82f. So unless its a coldwater tank, temperature wise it should be fine.
  2. Ive got a dwarf aquarium lily, im thinking about getting a second, as my current one is thriving in my tank, i guess they like my water.I currently have it in my background. Training it would be trimming it if it gets too tall?
  3. that is awesome, i wish i could get something like that for my cories.
  4. ive got a emerald sheen on my Albino Cories, and ive seen it on paleatus too. I wouldnt have thought pandas would have it. It might have to do with their bony plates reflecting light or something. IDK, im not an ichthyologist, i just made a random guess.
  5. this is awesome! I like the millenium falcon, it gives it a nice touch. Also welcome to our forum!
  6. it looks like ziggi has a problem with the duckweed, shes almost stalking it in that picture. I suppose your mom does too.
  7. i believe @Coryexplained it well on one of his livestreams, that they are very similar.
  8. you are always doing such interesting tank projects! I like how you take things like TVs and gumball machines, and make them into aquariums.
  9. if i had a bigger tank i would love to do a few Yoyo loaches, i just like the body shape and the pattern.
  10. i like something like Anubias Barteri in a small tank, it will look really good and big, and the shrimp will like to perch on its large leaves, and clean them.
  11. I was so excited on monday when i got home, to find that the awesome podcast that @Randy does is back! The aquarist podcast! I know im not the only one that listens to it, is anyone else here a fan like me, and super excited to see the podcast back? (If you dont listen to it, i highly recommend it)
  12. ive killed that before, i planted it wrong. I could try again. It does look pretty cool as a taller carpet
  13. thats rough. Ive talked to people that just have a big box store, and that might be bad, but no fish store at all...Ooof. I feel even luckier right now to have 2 decent LFSs
  14. TBH, compared to water at 100f, 78 is pretty cool.
  15. sounds fun! I think i have a similar box filter to that. I wish i could breed those plecos, but my tank is too small.
  16. I was looking in my tank recently and i realized my midground was pretty bare, i have a few crypts in it, but they are small and slow growing. So i am looking for a good midground plant for my 20high tank. Im trying some elodea right now, so ill see how that does. After planting it wrong, and getting it small, i havent had luck with Vallisneria, so i will probably try again.I will definetly be making a trip to my LFS for some new plants this weekend, for some moss, and a good foreground plant.
  17. cool! I think ive seen stuff like this for java fern is some jungle aquascapes in books.
  18. something odd ive heard that works for attatching the background on to the back, is use cooking oil, than squeeze the air out.
  19. it was a joke... sorry if that wasnt clear.
  20. I have a 2.5 gallon that i want to set up as a cherry shrimp tank. Im a little worried its too small though. SHould this be enough for a small cherry shrimp colony.
  21. i only see my nerite snail when the lights are out. and My betta is afraid of me.
  22. LOL i saw that post, i think that was a different garra. Mine is at a nice cool 78
  23. id just suggest a normal black poster on the back. But you have options, you could paint it, do a 3D background, do what you want.
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