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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. I was about to set up my Brine Shrimp hatchery last night to give my fish some treats, than i remembered im fasting them so they eat algae, SO FRUSTERATING. its like IM the one fasting not them. The good news is ive seen platies that have already got to work on some hair algae. I like feeding my fish BBS, and they love it. Its really nice since i have my platies in a colony breeding setting (Mostly) there are hiding platies of all sizes in that tank, and with live BBS, it gets all over the tank and they can all get a bite. Im also reconsidering my filtration. I have been running a Tidal 35, but i have a new issue that my panda garra gets stuck between the filter box that is in the water, and my back glass panel. Ive removed the filter for now, if my water is not as clear from stirred up debris i might need to look into a new HOB filter (IF you have any recommendations please let me know), otherwise i will just run the sponge filter, but i might need to upgrade air pumps for better efficiency out of it. I shall try to get a picture of it, Garra Guy (the panda garra if you didnt know) has been aggressively eating algae. Earlier i saw him (Garra Guy is a male) almost hanging on to a large Dwarf Aquarium Lily leaf, and he was so determined to clean that leaf. Man i love my panda garra. Picture 1 is my HOB in a bucket, Picture 2 is my Brine Shrimp Hatchery filled with just water, which was the point i realized i was fasting my fish and shouldnt be feeding them brine shrimp. Picture 3 is my Infusora/green water/Copepod culture, that i plan on using for fry food. One problem, i have no fry to feed with it right now. (It is next to the brine shrimp hatcher, i dont have 2 hatchers) Picture 4 is Garra Guy on the front glass. He was eating algae off of my plants which i didnt get a picture of, but i got a picture of him on the front glass eating algae, that i probably missed in my scraping last week.
  2. What i would do is take it out of the tank, put it in an empty seltzer bottle or something like that. Add some ferts, put it by a window and just observe what happens to it.n
  3. fascinating. I have never done a platy male tank. In my current tank with tons of females the males spar a little, but if you are keeping them peacefully, good for you, im probably just doing something wrong with mine. Can you get a pic of some of these groups @PineSong
  4. agreed. Companies will do what they will to make money. If you make say "Freshwater Flake" you can market it to only freshwater. If you make "Tropical Food" you can catch saltwater people and they might buy it too, considering most corals and saltwater fish do require saltwater temperatures.
  5. @Gorkem i see in your picture Rainbows, panda cories, and a betta. Have you kept any other fish before?
  6. those are some very colorful fish! I wish you luck.
  7. @Flumpweesel i find it hilarious that the foods are called "Nano Tropical" and "Probiotic Tropical" and even more than just that in this hobby is classified under "Tropical" my thoughts: you could feed that to white clouds. its been turned into a general term that isnt to be taken literally it apears.
  8. minor update: Its time for water changes. I shall be giving my 2 and 5 gallon tanks changes as well, as its been forever since ive given them water changes, and they probably need them. Id rather not water change my main tank as it would counter the crushed coral in there, but nitrates are like 40 from overdosing ferts.
  9. @TheSwissAquarist maybe provide a birds eye shot from above so myself and @Colucan see if its external or internal.
  10. @nabokovfan87 that reaction is fitting. I was joking, but thats what it feels like with a name like BARF. i do like Born And Raised Free, but why choose BARF as your acronym.
  11. Update for today: Most of the ground in this tank is covered with moss, and its not doing so well. I will move the moss out and possibly replace it with stem plants.
  12. ive never seen these before, i dont think they are availble in the states.
  13. @TheSwissAquarist i cannot tell from the picture is it External or Internal? as i said in your journal, 1tablespoon per 5gallons of water for Salt should help without killing plants. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish?_pos=1&_sid=59e59d396&_ss=r
  14. @TheSwissAquarist usually (This will kill dwarf anchor catfish) a 1tablespoon per 5gallon ratio is enough to get a disease, but not to hurt plants. (Do you use tablespoons in europe? Sorry im uneducated on some parts of the metric system).
  15. exactly. I have also noticed that often i will have a dominant male in the tank. And the other males purposely swim around this male, as appose to having to fight with it.
  16. at a 1tablespoon per5 gallon ratio the plants should be fine
  17. ah well, just offering a suggestion. just make sure it isnt sharp, another idea, a sword Pin?
  18. @Stephan1973 what kind of snail? most wont eat plants, but Apple Snails will.
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