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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. @SaveTheRainbowfishI agree with @lefty oand @Lennie that people should be educated better about these fish. I have nothing against these fish actually being sold, i just think what they are being sold for should change. I believe the issue is they are being sold as "Community Algae Eaters" just like say Panda Garras, or Otos. And as juveniles that's true, but the store only has them as juveniles. I think there is something that should be fixed in this fish, of the marketing. I think they can probably make great pets, instead of being marketed to be kept with guppies and tetras, with say Oscars, or Jack Dempseys.
  2. if i leave them in the tank they will get eaten by my swarm of platies (speaking of which, i might be rehoming some of the swarm soon). I need to check the back of the tank for hidden eggs, or eggs on hidden plant leaves, but i took these out to be protected. Im at a point i can passively colony breed platies, not cories, the platy fry can run, the cory eggs are left out in the open,
  3. as promised here is a picture of the eggs in a catch cup (There are more then this, i just got a few in the picture) all are looking fertile right now, but ill keep checking in on them, and remove all infertile/fungused eggs i find:
  4. Today's Update: As i should have predicted after a drop in temperature from 79-76, i got some corydora eggs this morning. They are getting slowly better at hiding their eggs, i pulled 5 off a dwarf aquarium lily leaf in the back, that the platies couldn't find. (The others were right by my sponge filter in their normal spot, nothing new) I was too busy this morning to take a picture of the eggs, but once i get home ill edit this post and add a picture.
  5. @FLFishChik A. what are you trying to acheive by changing the gravel, ive changed substrate before and its REALLY Annoying!
  6. i agree with @Colu that it is a rosy loach. here are some pictures from the ACO blog to compare your picture too:
  7. @xXInkedPhoenixX ill try to get you those 3D printed pieces soon for this tank. lets keep talking.
  8. Ive got 1picture, the perfect picture of a breeding pair of platies: the picture quality itself isnt the best, but its my best fish picture,and shows the breeding well in this picture.. (im not good at photography).
  9. i know @Guppysnailand @Chick-In-Of-TheSea have a lot of experience breeding mystery snails, maybe they can help?
  10. I have never kept guppies before. I know they are similar to platies in care, but different. Can anyone give me a basic guppy rundown and how their care would differ from platy care. My LFS has some really nice looking guppies.
  11. based on this advice i went searching through my filter media box for any large sponges, when i had a great idea. Bio-Rings. I bought a large bag of them in the past so i have some extra. They are practically tiny tunnels, that might also house bacteria. Here is a picture: i am hoping this design will help/work, without being a risk to the adults.
  12. baby cories are definetly up on the podium, i just might like them more if i could get more of them, and not just have dead eggs in a catch cup.
  13. In my opinion this is the cutest fish: I have a 2 gallon tank with 5 platy juveniles in it. I am a lover of platies, and the adults are awesome! But these platies in this tank are around a month and a half old, which in my opinion is the CUTEST stage of life in a platy, looks and behaviours. I have been getting tons of enjoyment watching these little cuties swim around. here is a picture of the tank, and ill try to get a good photo of one of the fish: If you disagree post a picture of what you think is the cutest fish.
  14. This question is simple. Im doing my platy breeding project currently for colors, im up a stage of 3 females impregnated by the target male all in a 5gallon tank. My issue is i that i plan to remove the females as they give birth in the order they were impregnated. They will be moved to a seperate tank, so if they are still pregnant, i will still get fry from them, B. my issue is i dont have space to give each female a seperate tank. So i just have tons of moss on the bottom of my 5gallon tank as a hiding spots. my question is are there any other good ways to create hiding spots for the fry? Im not looking for the ACO article about plants, i dont want to buy anything new, but im kinda looking for simple DIY things that work well. Please post pictures.
  15. i believe @Colu is very good at these types of things.
  16. Update: All target females have been impregnated by target males. the 3females are now in my 5gallon tank, with tons of moss covering the bottom. I plan to feed them well and keep them in this setup until they drop fry, then move them out. (I still need to figure out what to do as they will probably drop fry at different dates).
  17. ive had success with Anubias in the ground, i just dont bury the rhizome. I stuck val all the buried and it didnt do so well. I wish i knew what plants did well in my water. Id have gotten just a dwarf aquarium lily, and some root tabs, and have had an awesome tank, instead of spending so much money on plants.
  18. ah, i just thought they were breeding in this tank based on the title of this thread.
  19. just horrible water conditions, Nitrite, very high Nitrates, etc...
  20. agreed. I have kept them in unreal situations, awesome personalities on these fish too.
  21. I agree with the cherry shrimp. __________________________________________________________________________- Possibly a killifish (NOT WITH THE SHRIMP), im pretty sure @Fish Folk has some interesting ones.
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