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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. This post is simple. Have you seen your fish/inverts do funny behaviors. Funny as in Ha Ha, not as in That's Odd. Post a picture or video,or just post a story. Here is a funny story from me: We know that corydoras go up to the surface to air. One time one of my corydoras went up for air. The Corydora then descended, and landed straight onto my betta. It was so funny to watch. Ive also seen my panda garra (Garra Guy) try to eat algae on 1.the filter box on my tidal filter and 2 a dwarf aquarium lily. IN both cases the fish tried to eat up some algae, and was holding on almost for its life with its mouth just trying to get some snacks. So funny 😄 ! post stories please!
  2. i know Serpa Design did a video on setting up a tank for these frogs.
  3. if its in the same tank im hoping you dissinfected it. Diseases can lay dormant in gravel for a while.
  4. ha, lego these days is as expensive as fishkeeping.
  5. same. thats always what my platies want to know 3minutes after they've eaten.
  6. @FLFishChik i think the current gravel should be fine, ive done it 3 times, switching out substrates is a PAIN! Id cover the driftwood with anubiass creating a shaded area on/around the wood from the anubias leaves, i have a similar affect in my tank, and my fish love to hide there. (Here is a pic, not an aquascape at all just pointing out the plant on wood peice). id put dwarf aquarium lily in the center of the tank, it does best when it can grow out in a 360 direction. id use one of/2 of Vallisneria, Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus , Aponogeton Crispus , Anacharis, to make a large plant wall in the background. Possibly using crypts around the wood to fill in some space slowly, with using the pearl weed as a transition from the midground to the background. i prefer to leave my foreground bare for ease of feeding sinking foods. Im not an aquascaper but im trying to help. 😄 If this sounds horrible to you im sorry.
  7. After going back and forth with myself for months, ive found i definetly enjoy the safety of a sponge filter. I dislike fish getting suck into, and stuck with HOB filters, and ive heard Cory rant about canister filters. Ive been just running a sponge filter for a few days now. My only issue is i have a certain fish (my panda garra) that really liked the flow from my HOB. So my solution is using a Power Head. Being as i have the aquariumcoop sponge filter, it would probably be the best option to use the matching powerhead. However the flow is WAY to high for my tank. So i had 2 ideas. (Photo was taken from the ACO website on the powerhead page). Both of my ideas use a Ball Valve to weaken flow. Idea #1 is put a ball valve on the output itself controlling how much water can come out at a time. Idea #2 is replace the intake tube with a Ball Valve controlling how much water goes in. here is a picture (taken from ACO website as i said, giving credit here) : Any opinions/suggestions? feedback would be appreciated. @nabokovfan87does a lot of work with filters.
  8. Ill give my opinion. Get cardinals they are worth more. Sell the cardinals and buy a bunch of platies
  9. welcome to our forum! I have heard of using red backgrounds/bottoms for Flowerhorn tanks, but sure try want you want, if anyone hates it you can just say "Have you tried it". Very nice looking tank! Im getting a "Semi Agressive" vibe from the stocking. is that Corkscrew Val in the corner?
  10. Update: Life! I went to my LFS about an hour ago and got 6cherry shrimp, i know 10 is often the minimum, i could only get 6. I think 1 of them is a blood mary shrimp and the rest are standard cherries. My LFS doesnt grade them, they are just "Fancy shrimp" at the store after acclimation ive added them to the tank and they are doing fine, and eating some algae wafer, and crab cuisine i added for them to eat.
  11. I have time today for this hobby, thats why im posting so much: not using my HOB has given me slightly more filtration needs, and another outlet. So i played around with my air pumps. So my 20gallon tank is running a AP50 on its sponge filter, and the 5 and 2gallon tanks are both on an AP30. here is a picture of my messy setup: The 30 is hooked up to a gang valve, with the 50 going straight to the sponge filter.
  12. when you are losing an argument the perfect trick is speak in ANY language your openant doesn't understand. It leaves them confused and can give you more time/a advantage.
  13. @MattyM I apologize for making you sound like a horror movie chainsaw murderer, that was not my intention. Please do not be offended. I understand why you did what you did, i just used the wrong word. Genetic problems are rare with platies, unless it was like a black gene cancer thing, i doubt it was genetics. There could be other factors to your fish death. Stress, water parameters... i dont think platies go that far in their intelligence, but if they do its fascinating.
  14. i dont think you understand why Garra Guy was back there. Imagine this: You are a panda garra. You are in a tank with the back covered with food. ALGAE!! isnt it delicious. So you are climbing along the back of the wall eating all the snacks, and you are not paying attention to your suroundings. Then boom, you get stuck. You cant get out. This is what happened to my fish, Garra Guy is perfectly healthy.
  15. New update on this: (Am i only posting these updates for myself at this point): I have swapped the males. New male is not interested in females at the moment, but he is probably stressed out about the move. I will moniter his behaviour in this tank, and see if THIS male behaves, hopefully he will because i dont have any other platies of this color variety.
  16. It does actually besides the killing platies part. Platies are intelligent little fish that get lonely. As you pointed out, when left without friends, they changed their behaviors to gain friends, what other fish do that!? Its crazy what these little fish are capable of.
  17. just to add to this, George Farmer does this too. I just think the hobby is in different phases in europe compared to the US.
  18. Update: My first target male that i intended for this project has had a few problems. 1.Only bred with 1 of the females and than 2.Was mean to the rest of his femalefriends. So this platy moved up in life, literally. My 5gallon for this project is on the stand shelf below my 20gallon. So this male got moved back to the 20gallon tank, and i moved a very similar looking male to the 5gallon tank, hoping this one will be more peaceful, and less picky. the other thing in this tank is my Mini Ramshorn snails ( i have these snails EVERYWHERE because i like having little clean up crews for my tanks) have laid eggs in this tank, so more snails for me!
  19. nice looking tank? What is the stocking fish wise?
  20. no hes actually getting stuck there. I have nice hiding spots for my fish. there is the driftwood in the corner covered in plants, the Dwarf Aquarium Lilies leaves cover a bunch, and there is a coconut hut on the side. I dont think hiding spots are an issue. Garra Guy is not shy at all, i just think hes trying to eat the snacks the back of the tank is lined with (Algae is a snack for a panda garra), and he ends up getting stuck.
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