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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. welcome @Jeremy Kass looks like you have a nice mix of breeding and display tanks. i really like the crocodile in the shrimp tank (last picture), it made me laugh.
  2. im sorry for your loss, losing a fish is always hard, but especially something like a betta. your parents probably wont let, but if you could the tank into a QT, you wouldnt have your current redworm issue...
  3. just a small BTW, if you ever find yourself in a superhero movie, and are captured by the super villain, and this villain is threatening to feed you to a tank full of platies, being bitten by platies tickles, just saying.
  4. This is a picture of my micro organism culture, it houses small things like copepods and detritus worms. I also realized i could use it for green water as its right next to a window. The water apears to be tinged green,and i have followed green water instructions, but it is not a pea soup green that is often accsociated with green water. So is this green water? (i am using the term green water to mean colonized by micro-algaes that turn the water green) common example of green water: my green water?: the picture might not show it to good, but the water has a green tinge to it.
  5. it been a while since ive fed this, so FD tubifex today,the platies were more excited then the cories. corydoras got a cube on the bottom, and garra guy has decided to share with the cories as appose to the platies: @jwcarlson ive learned that if i only put 1 cube in, the platies dominate it, so i give 2 cubes on different areas, and they both get get the yummy? worms. my one concern is thh platies have finished their cube already (with 30 hungry platies, they can decimate food)and will go after the bottom cube. ive got a bunch of chores to do today, then i have track and field tryouts (im a runner), and if i have time in between im going to try to go to the LFS, just to talk to them about things like raising BBS to adults...( @TheSwissAquaristim joking, if i knew how to do it, it would ruin the fun). fortunatly to help with my chores, i have a great playlist: a bunch of aquarist podcast episodes. @Randyim a big fan of your podcast.
  6. so for me 20gallon tank 2gallonn tank 5gallon tank 1.5in the brineshrimp raising container .5in the ziss BBS hatchery and probably a few gallons in peanut butter pretzel jars full of water.
  7. if that happened to me, my mom would shut down my hobby. (except for her cherry shrimp). i have like 32 gallons of water in my room spread out between like 7 things.
  8. 1,2and 3 are definetly female, a Neon Tetra should not be that fat unless its A.Full Of Eggs B.Overfed or C.Bloated and it seems in this situation A makes the most sense.
  9. @DavidMoss i agree with @Sharon Mcheck out the Keepingfishsimple videos on breeding these fish.
  10. test results are in! nitrate are not too high, ill skip a WC this week to prevent futher damage. platies say hi: this guy has got himself a girl! he'll probably keep her for 1 minute, maybe2 before another male chases him off. ( i have too many males in my tank right now, @The endler guyyou want any?)
  11. my animals are fine with the stuff i got from my LFS, and its pretty much identical to the ACO stuff.
  12. ever since i saw the prices on crushed coral at my LFS, thats a product im NEVER buying from ACO again.
  13. @Chick-In-Of-TheSeawhat kind of tetra is that? with its colors so washed i can guess a lot of fish. Glowlight,X-ray,blackneon, etc...
  14. @Tactical Errori dont think the kuhlis are downright hunting down the snails. i think that before the kuhlis food would land in a corner, and the snails could get it, but now the kuhlis are getting all of the snail's food source, which affects the population size. (just a theory).
  15. story #1(the longest one). Every year my school does a teacher raffle. Students buy tickets and win small prizes like "this teacher brings in donuts" or "you can chalk this teacher's car", and that might seem off topic. Anyway last year, one of the teachers had a GOLDFISH prize. I had a big problem with this, and as i stated it "you are just sending the animals to die, these people don't know how to care for them" of course i was responded with the stereotypical "Its just a goldfish, they can survive in these enviroments". Oh, and everyone knowing i liked fish was asking me if i put tickets into that prize. Me: "No way, i cant care for a goldfish, and im NOT supporting this" After a long bought of complaining, the teacher FINALLY took the prize down. I came in the next day, and it was back up. Of course i went back to the teacher and asked her what had happened. she responded that the prize had been brought back by "popular demand". I responded with my you are just sending the animals to die, these people don't know how to care for them" rant, and the teacher said to make a care sheet that they can send to the parents of the winners. I ended up making a care sheet, (it was flawed now that i look back on it). I suggested large aquariums, and filters, and tried to emphasize DECHLORINATORs. I dont think that sheet ever reached the parents of the winners. A few days later, winners of the goldfish were drawn. (there were a few up for auction). It turned out the teacher had been keeping like 6goldfish in a 1gallon bowl, and SEVERELY overfed them. I went to the goldfish winners and told them i could help, and tried to give them good advise, of course that failed. 2days later i receive an email from one of the goldfish winners, he wrote that "it died overnight" and it turns out the other goldfish suffered the same fate. Of course i instantly ask "did you dechlorinate?" and was responded with a "Filtered water has no chlorine, i looked it up". This is a huge facepalm moment for me, as there is CHLORAMINE as well that you need to worry about. story #2 Last year i went to a sort of nerd summer camp,and one of the courses i was taking was Marine Bio. It turned out the teacher of the class was trying to keep a betta alive. She had a 5gallon tank and seemed to be doing everything right, i thought at first it was the source, as she only had a big box store near her. a few days later i was talking to her about it and i said "I assume you are using dechlorinator and everything" she looked at me and said "No, is that important". I responded that it is very important and she should get some. She also said she was just running the filter to cycle the tank, like the staff said. In this whole process i ended up showing her ACO, and suggested getting some reusable filter media for her tank. Basically she ended up getting some standard "starter" liquid from the big box store, and it worked, last i heard from her (like 7months ago, when camp ended), her betta was doing well. Moral of both stories, dechlorinator saves lives. Does anyone else have any "fun" aquarium related stories to share?
  16. @Vod i think its a ramshorn snail, which are both plant safe.
  17. ah, as appose to something like a ziss breeder box where you move the fry in once they are hatched. I might build on of these myself as a large version for some platies...
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