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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. i dont know much of the lighting. you know what i use for cories and plants? standard aquarium gravel. just make sure its not sharp and the cories should be fine. things like statum have their own quirks to them (more then just cost). when you are looking for root tabs, be sure to avoid any that use Osmocode and or Ammonia as the nitrogen source, you can probably guess that introducing ammonia to your tank is not such a good idea. i dont know what's availble in the UK,i use the ACO ones but i know you cant get them there. @Flumpweeselhave you found a good root tab in the UK?
  2. i think if you chose small fish, with small stomachs, like chili rasboras it might work, but try a zebra danios, and they will decimate the entire culture before you can say "cyclops culture". so as i said, depends on the type of fish, definetly in this case (might not be possible) add the culture before the fish to get it established well before it is predated on.
  3. yes, the internet can be a messy place sometimes, ive been on here for a while, this is a very nice (and helpful) community.
  4. neither am i, i think "aquascaper" is kindof a charged term and people here aren't mean about it at all.
  5. @Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics possibly, depending on the type of fish. if the idea is a snail culture, for pea puffers, if you add a very large amount to start it, and have lots of hiding spots for the snails it might work. BBS can already be eliminated from this discussion it is saltwater. Your tank already produces plenty of little infusorians and you might be able to get away with something like copepods that are small. @modified lunghas good experience with live foods, can you help us out here?
  6. @SwampSunflowerwelcome to our forum! your tanks sound very interesting. looking foward to pictures of more of them.
  7. @skottiesgerl welcome to our forum? what fish do you have? Can you please post pictures? This should be a great source for you to have your questions answered, lots of great people here and we are happy to help.
  8. im a fan of BBS because that's the one live food ive tried.
  9. looks interesting to keep, my mom will not let me get bugs, though i really like them.
  10. have you ever been to The Reef? i dont know it that's your area of indiana, but its a really great store in Indianapolis, ive been there.
  11. they really look like livebearer fry, probably guppies.
  12. ive tried a school tank before, it probably failed because i am a student. my budget on it was almost nothing, pretty much all of it was used stuff, so it had no plants, and had glofish plants, and lights for a betta. (this betta now lives in my tank.). i ended up shutting it down since people in my grade were SO annoying about it, and were being jerks about it.
  13. feeding time: most of the fish found algae wafers to eat, John got some betta pellets delivered right to his house (his root tab tunnel, that he basically lives in). but it seems that female platies are more exciting then algae wafers, so not all the platies were feeding frenzying on this food, ive seen it, they do feed the hikari mini algae wafers at my LFS, which makes me a little more confident that the fish are being fed good foods.
  14. ember tetras and pygmy cories should be fine, the snail will probably work, but it depends on the type of snail, and temperament of the betta.
  15. asking dogs if they want treats is like asking the pope if he is catholic. 😄
  16. @guppy all plants require C02. however pretty much all water has some in it, and by providing surface agitation in our tanks, we help introduce some to the plants. i understand that you dont want to setup a C02 system though. The truth is, most quote "C02 requiring" plants can grow without, the growth is just boosted/sped up with C02. here are some suggestions: dwarf hairgrass, will grow slowly without C02, but will still carpet slowly Micro Sword, not sure on speed, but it will carpet with some medium lighting Dwarf Sag with stay small in high light, but in low light gets large Crypt Lucens is a small carpetting crypt, it grows very slowly and Dwarf Chain Sword may be a little taller then what you are looking for, but apparently carpets fast. a major thing with carpetting plants is patience. you wont get a plant carpet overnight, with or without C02, it will take a month or two.
  17. oh yeah, this kind of pom pom, would be a fish poop SPONGE.
  18. @TheSwissAquarist my BBS are still alive! its been 22hours. Ive been squirting in pipettes of green water sporadically, im hoping that with a cleaner food like green water, ill lead to less water quality issues from the rotting food itself. some pictures: (the green water culture has the air stone in it): and since chances are the rest of you dont follow this journal for my funny contest with @TheSwissAquarist ill just post pictures for you all to enjoy/grimace at my photography skills: Baby cories that by age are babies (aprox 2weeks), but by size are juvinilles (all but the runt are 1/2 inch, or 1.25cm for any followers outside the US) These gals have another week till they give birth, but im being impatient with them, as with many of us I WANT FRY NOW!!! Hair algae is still outbreaking (slower ever since i turned down the light) but its not hurting anything, so im not doing anything, my big complaint is that its GREY, if it was green it could at least look good, maybe i need to give it some easy iron or something to change its color).
  19. no need for all this, just give platies the spot they deserve, and we dont need to spend ANY more time on this disscussion.
  20. @kevincanada oh! you meant that kind of pom pom, when i saw your initial post on this i was skeptical, but my mind went to this pom pom; it makes much more sense now, pretty cool!
  21. i see the perfect spot for Platies, and Panda Garras (both, which weren't included!!!!)
  22. it was a KGtropicals video about water changes, i there learned i dont need to add dechlorinator AND wait 24hours. wow, i was stupid when i started.
  23. that is such a thing i would do, and i constantly fear doing it.
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