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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. i dont run into this with my platy selection process, but the females are colorful too. i just choose the female that shows the best traits i like, and cross it with the male with the best traits, the "culls" go to the LFS.
  2. that podcast may be great, im an aquarist podcast fan though, really educational podcast there, lots to learn from it
  3. i recommend platies, i have albino cories and they are great! Amanos are a good shrimp for beginners and are rather adaptable.
  4. im totally gonna use this for some memes, thanks!
  5. yes, to explain it think about eating lunch. If you have 1 hamburger for lunch, and it falls on the floor, you have no lunch. however if you have 2hotdogs instead, and 1 falls on the floor, you can still eat a small lunch. so to with heaters. if you have 1, and it fails, its very bad but if you have 2 and one fails you will at least have a heating source in the tank.
  6. @EVoyager31has some good experience with goldfish. definitely check out the Aquariumcoop youtube channel, its a great source of information. definitely a large aquarium, goldfish are stomachs with tails, and get big so need large enviroments.
  7. Hi @Gartcreature! welcome to our forum! we can definitely help you with your dream, what fish do you have in mind?
  8. i need to talk you into them, they are awesome for a reason, for fishkeepers to keep them.
  9. i only have 1 due to my tank size, and i love that fish here is a picture of mine (my profile picture is also a picture of this fish)( mine's name is Garra Guy BTW) :
  10. @TheSwissAquaristim on attempt 2. i ran out of room in my raising container so the cory fry got some fresh BBS, and i have a green water culture that im working on to feed the BBS. ive added a few squirts of green water for them to eat. also BBS for the corydora fry: in the picture you can see the BBS in the breeder box, i may have overfed a little, but the fry will what they are hungry for.
  11. this meme has a story behind it, and this is not the place to tell the story:
  12. this is EXACTLY how i killed my glowlight tetras, they were schooling around, me "the male is being abusive" one was less shy and got more food then the others.Me: "Food hog" i was constantly trying to net them out, and i couldnt tell the different between them anyway, over analytics/assuming everything is failing can be dangerous at times
  13. yes! panda garras, those fish are awesome!
  14. i think maybe make a snail trap for them. using some sort of floating structure, where the fry can get in, but the adults cannot. Then add some food for the fry and once they swim in catch them out of there, it would take some work, and a little DIY skills but it might work. also i can see why @The endler guyhas in his signature "endlers are eternal" and if that doesnt work, what's the harm in having endlers? if you are doing monster fish or something they'll get eaten, and if down to the single endler is overstocking your tank, something is wrong. Or set a fine net on the bottom of the tank, the use your hand to chase the fry in. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/how-to-catch-aquarium-fish?_pos=1&_sid=c78f77dd0&_ss=r
  15. mine has got to be my panda garra "Garra Guy" you get fun beheviours, personality, activity, and algae eating all in the same package, whats not to like. or platies, but i wont platy rant here.
  16. oh come on. 17 comments a day isn't that bad. but in all seriousness i use the edit feature SO much to try to avoid spam, but if its been a hour or two, (or more)and its a new topic, then i will just post it as a new post. So said, i just got back from track "tryouts" its a good thing its a no cut team, because i was NOT at my best today. Cramps...🙄 Fish are doing fine, ill post more pictures for the fun of it, and then if anyone wants we can just chat, sounds good?
  17. @nabokovfan87we've talked previously about keeping a breeder box clean, so how did i do? i siphoned out most of the mulm. as for corydora fry i count 7 full sized, and 1 runted one (not sure how that happened). They are probably getting too big for the breeder box at this point, but they are too small to be released, and id put them in the 2gallon with the platy fry, but there is a sick adult in there, so for now they will live in the breeder box, its been like 2weeks, they are growing FAST. they are around 2weeks old and are around 1/2in long, for a 2.5in fish, thats insane, i fed live BBS for the first week, now its just been Easy Fry and Small Fish Food, if the growth rate continues ill be able to get my friend some sooner then i thought. Ive tried and the wont eat sinking wafers and pellets yet, they can nibble at them, but dont really seem to be eating them. I should try to get them on the wafers though, just for conveniences when they get rehomed. (they should learn to eat the wafers eventually, the parents eat them fine). Also a good tip to keep in mind, pay attention to your siphoning, i thought i stopped the siphon, but water ended up getting on my floor, as i didnt really.
  18. it comes down to the trigger, i have had cories full of eggs for week, then triggered and boom they spawned,
  19. small poll: for all of you that follow this journal, do you feel that I A: barely post B: post a good amount C:spam the heck out of you just wondering for myself, and based on results i could make some changes.
  20. @Jeffthats fake,i think. the ACO youtube profile picture is @Cory not murphy. though maybe its the more ACO channel?
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