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Mark and Cheryl

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  1. Like Water Colors too. Excellent and interesting dialogue
  2. Science Gal’s Aquarium Dilemmas Why? In depth ground level perspective about real aquarium situations. Great topics and no cursing or bad words. My kids could listen to them
  3. A video of our Venezuelan Corys’s in a planted tank, Our domineering Jack Dempsey Tank, and then our 130 gallon gold fish tank being serviced for poo LOL The Good, The Bad and the Ugly oh and then a shot of our Neocardina shrimp pool that we sell shrimp out of every week: A Fistful of Dollars 🙂
  4. Cory is always brilliant. I loved his podcast about daphnia too
  5. I just got a daphnia culture. I only have two 20 gallon tanks to use right now. What do I feed them and how do I maintain the cultures ?
  6. How many gallons would be best for long term culturing?
  7. Thank you for the reply. I have read daphnia are voracious eaters. How could shrimp get enough food ?
  8. What species of snails and shrimp are ok to keep with daphnia
  9. Hello eveyone. I live in the coast range of Oregon. I have a 90 gallon goldfish tank that has a 40 gallon sump and and moving bed filter. Then there is a 75 with a homemade stand with a pair of Jack Dempseys that dominate the tank completely. Next is a 65 gallon tank with and electric blue Jack Dempsey with a wild Jack Dempsey buddy. That tank has 6 tiger barbs that play tag with the JD’s all day. There is a 15 gallon bow front tank with cherry shrimp munching away at a huge piece of cholla. In another room is a 40 breeder with a mixed community with 3 huge yo-yo loaches. Next door to that tank is a 20 long planted tank with 6 Venuzualan orange corydoras. we have a 50 gallon indoor pond loaded with green Aeneus Cory’s that lay eggs often. At last count there were close to 100 babies munching on almond leaves. We use CO2 and have to mow frequently. We pay attention to the food. Lots of fresh and some flake with pellets. Repashy sometimes even though it has a 1500% mark up! We raise banana worms and wingless fruit flies and vinegar worms. future hope is a 20 tank rack build. We have built a loop with a piston tank in anticipation of a few racks of tanks filtered with sponges. thank you for a great forum and Cory’s store and employees. They have been a great help.
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