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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. You’re making me want to try keeping Otos again. Please stop! 😂.
  2. Or he might just be getting claustrophobic… Can you get waterproof magazines? 😂
  3. Reminds me a bit of a wild-type borellii. @tolstoy21 @anewbie
  4. I just caught my neons pairing up and spawning! They seem to be doing so over a large hunk of Java moss in a corner of their tank, which they share with a betta, zebra danios, and some gold Endlers I’m working on. Does anyone have some tips on how I could maximize my egg yield? Thanks!
  5. That’s a really good name! Torro it is! I think my neons are getting all lovey-dovey. Do you guys think that a large water change (imitate rain season) could help?
  6. Seeing as today is a religious holiday in Switzerland, my mum thought it would be a great idea to give me a betta to celebrate. She got back from a trip to IKEA and said that she had a surprise…yikes. Any name ideas? Bonus pic of Gretel about to snarf popcorn:
  7. It looks a bit crowded in there for the sword. If it was me I’d move it to a different tank and see how it does there. Nice killis!
  8. Wow 😮 Are those colors natural?
  9. Coronation Corydora!!
  10. Imagine getting into your local swimming pool and seeing THAT. 😂
  11. Sorry all for being AWOL. I’ve started some breeding projects, but it’s the last 4 week stretch until the end of the semester and all the teachers have decided to put tests. Take care! 🐟
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