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Everything posted by kammaroon

  1. Banana plant, Java moss and moss balls should work in your tank. Shrimps love the last two. And you can stick Java moss to your hardscape like an aquascaping pro. Also, I'm a big fan of floating plants such as red root floaters and Amazon frogbit.
  2. Amazing. Beautiful tank, beautiful fish and beautiful photos!
  3. All the above: single species planted tank for one of the fish in my bucket list to breed 🙃 I would like to do pea puffers next if I had a tank to spare.
  4. As James says, cherry shrimps (Neocaridina) will be fine for your water parameters. There are various grades of blue to choose from, lower grades being less sensitive and more forgiving to mistakes. The only thing I add to the tanks specifically for the shrimps are catappa leaves so they can pick at the biofilm. Other than that, my shrimps share tanks with fish, so they get left over fish food and algae, which I'm very good a growing.
  5. Someone else posted for help with low KH and high GH:
  6. Could be the dip. Someone else had similar problems after treating their tank:
  7. You can cut the runners and move the new plant to another location. If you have inert substrate, plug a root tab next to it.
  8. I don't know of any. Normally, people have issue with both low KH and low GH. You could pose this as a separate question in the forum.
  9. It's a nice looking tank. The 0 KH seems a bit strange. Having low KH and high GH is unusual but not impossible. 0 KH means that you have no pH buffering and could be subject to wild pH swing. However, all your previous pH tests show a stable 7.2. Maybe you could try another KH test kit to make sure of the result is correct. If you add wonder shell that would likely to increase your GH even more.
  10. Great vid. I would love to keep pygmy sunfish one day. They are rarely available here in the UK.
  11. The med trio are not available in the UK. There was another thread which suggested using Esha products for Europeans: Exit, 2000 and gdex. They can be used in combination. I've used Esha Exit for ich and Esha 2000 to fungal infection. They worked for those purposes. I've not used the three for quarantine.
  12. According to this blog, you are likely to be deficient in potassium: Nutrient Deficiencies: Why Your Aquarium Plants Are Dying WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Do you have the perfect planted aquarium setup, but your plants are still dying one by one? Even if you’re regularly dosing fertilizers, your plants might still be missing key nutrients. In this article, we want to teach how...
  13. You can draw aquarium water through an air line into a container, and suck up the little snails, like gravel vac.
  14. The male anal fins are more parallel and female ones get narrower towards the tail. Check out the picture in this medaka in space report.
  15. If you are a beginner in planted tanks, I would start with a couple of easy low light plants, and go on from there. Java moss are nice and easy. You can tie it to the top of your cave and to your wood. Get a quick growing stem plant, like Water sprite. When they grow tall, you can cut and replant the cutting to give you more free plants. You can then research other plants and layouts in your own time. Check out aquascaping YouTubers like George Farmer and Green Aqua (sorry, I'm in Europe so I don't know of any decent US aquascape YouTube channels). They have lots of information on plants, design and layout.
  16. That is awesome. How can I differentiate Sera classic and new formula?
  17. I did that and now I have 4 tanks. I keep having thoughts on what to do with a fifth tank.
  18. Java moss is easy to care for. I also like floating plants: Amazon frogbit/Red root floaters/Salvinia
  19. I love the look of that flask. Something from a mad alchemist's workshop 😄
  20. If you wait around two weeks, maybe @Irene will bring out a video on yellow fish suggestions.
  21. My Ikea 1 gallon jar and led light setup. Plants taken from my other tanks and livestock is pest snails. The dwarf hairgrass is growing surprisingly well.
  22. My tiny Least killifish (Heterandria formosa):
  23. Three and half weeks update. All plants are doing well and growing with only some minor leaf melts. This is the first time I've kept Cryptocoryne and there has been no major melt, which is a nice surprise. New leaves are even sprouting from the crypts. Limnophilia is growing fast, which is great for sucking out the nitrogen. One of the Java fern leaf has sprouted plantlets on its tip - free plants 🙃. Since then, I added spiky moss, Salvinia auriculata (floating plant) and some bits of catappa leaves to prepare for the arrival of shrimps. I've been doing around 20% water changes twice weekly to keep the algae at bay. I'll do it weekly from now on. Yesterday, I added 10 tiger shrimps purchased from eBay (in UK). I love the patterns on them.
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