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Everything posted by Griznatch

  1. Nice setup an tanks, thanks for sharing! I like the idea of breeding for viewing from above. I have some male tuxedos that look fantastic from above. Never really noticed it until I put them in a lower tank. I have some out on the back porch in a tub, so far they are doing good in spite of about 3 weeks of high 90s to 100+ temps. I have them in the shade and it does drop down to the 70s at night. It's a testament to how resilient guppies are.
  2. We use it for the house plants (lots of orchids) and the garden outside. None if it goes down the drain, well except the waste from the RO, which I need to work on.
  3. Do you have plants and a sponge filter in there? Do you treat the tap water?
  4. Nerites are excellent algae eaters, they are however like bulldozers. They don't keep air in their shells like bladder and mystery snails, and are heavy. If you have spindly plants, they tend to fold them over. I swear they like to weave them in to impossible shapes. They are also very sensitive to some meds.. My wife's last betta lived almost 5 years, no heater.
  5. Woohoo, congrats! This forum is pretty awesome, always helpful, and often entertaining 🙂
  6. Welcome to the forum and welcome back to the hobby. Those tanks looked awesome!
  7. That oscar is going to get huge. When it gets larger will most likely bully the other fish if not eat or kill them. Not to mention what it'll do to the plants. Mine got over 15 inches, so it'll outgrow that 29 high very soon. No experience on the other cichlids, I'm guessing they are not gonna get along. Good move suggesting she sign up on here, I echo your sentiments on facebook groups for this hobby. I'm hoping she can get those fish back to the store she got them at, and soon. The heartache and stress of having fish die or beat the heck out of each other, can cause some new to the hobby to just throw in the towel...
  8. Woohoo, grats on the black "surprise" shrimp 🙂 My 75 is my shrimp cull tank. I get some crazy looking shrimps in there. When we first started getting tanks set up in beginning of the pandemic. She got a dozen fire red cherrys and I got some regular low grade reds and some yellows. She had one wild looking shrimp that came with her fire reds. Took me 4 or 5 months to catch that wild one. Dang hard to spot in a 55 with a lot of plants and dark eco-complete. Fast forward to present time, and her gorgeous reds still throw some really dark chocolates with an almost copper to pink back stripe. I put them in the 75 when I can catch them. So far they have all been females. I get light greens, with the wild strip patterns on them too, from my yellows I'm guessing. I have been netting them out and am trying to strengthen the "green" traits. I love those little buggers. I finally got around to cleaning her pre-filter sponge, and as I was about to dump the water I noticed 4 or 5 blue shrimp fry (3mm maybe 4) swimming in the mulm. Genetics man, gotta love it!
  9. Wlecome, a 125 will be fun! Were your previous tanks planted?
  10. Welcome to this awesome group of nerms 🙂 Boise Idaho here. I have all low tech tanks, from 75 gallons down to 10, with a cast iron tub out back converted to a goldfish pond. Our area is very poor in local fish stores, but rich in wide open country. Picture below was taken on a train ride along the Payette river, about an hour north of Boise. Winter view, from the front yard
  11. Welcome! Always cool to see hand made stuff!
  12. Good luck! So far my guppies are doing good, in spite of mother nature trying to boil or fry everything outside.. And.. on a what did I get done today note... scraped a ton of algae out of the birdbath/fountain part of the goldfish pond
  13. It doesn't look like damage. I've had a few with actual pointed sword tails. They went out with the batch of guppies I traded to the LFS for my koi angelfish. The joys of petco guppies lol, never know what kind of genetics are in there. These I have now are probably 4 or 5 generations from those petco pairs I got around March last year. I gave away the cobra pair and kept the tuxedos. So far almost 75 % of the females come out tuxedo with either all blue or yellow fins. The males have mostly had blue fins or a combo of red and blue fins.
  14. Nerites go into a suspend state when something is happening they don't like. Medications can do that. Lack of food like algae, biofilm etc.. (newer tanks don't typically have a lot of it). You could try dome blanched zucchini, or spinach, see if they perk up...
  15. My wife uses crafting wire, so thinner than metal coat hangers, but still stiff enough to hold shape. Then she slides air hose over the wire, bends it into a big loop type hook. usually we trim the wicked points off.. gotta go do that.
  16. Probably from too much lighting. Reduce the light time to 7 or 8 hours and see how it does. Try getting your nitrates down below 40. I'd also add some nitrate eaters like hornwort, floater plants work really good too. A real good plant for reducing nitrates is actually a house plant, the infamous pothos. For 4 or 5 dollars you can get a small potted one. Rinse the soil and perlite out of the roots and hang the plant out of the back of the tank.
  17. I had a couple pieces of custom glass made for a window box light I did for my wife. A local guy here in town does glass. He cut it and smoothed out the edges, and only cost about 20 dollars total. I'm thinking of having him make my next aquarium lid.
  18. My PH is close to yours, and mine are healthy and active. I've had them for a year now I think. I crumble up flakes for my chilis, and also feed them aquarium co-op easy Fry. They have a hard time with regular sized flakes, and I never see them eat anything off the bottom of the tank. When they were in my 55, they would sometimes pick bits of food off of plant leaves in mid tank level. The kubotai rasboras would out-compete them for food and they were very shy in that tank. They are very outgoing in the 20 gallon I have them in now, only shrimp and snails in there with them.
  19. Wow, pretty impressive change. Thanks for sharing!
  20. I do, I had a dozen of them in my 75 and they rarely ate any shrimp fry. I only saw them do so once in my 55, and to be fair the (micro sized) fry swam up to the top of the tank, right in front of the rasborah.. so he swallowed it. They happily coexist with about 100 or so (that I can see) in my 75 gallon, Got a dozen kubotai and about the same amount of white clouds in there.
  21. If you only have shrimp in there try dropping your temp down to 74. Check and see if you have planaria in there also. Looks like you might have detrius worms but those are harmless.
  22. I too had a mystery snail (it was huge ) die off in a back corner and just about wiped out my whole colony of blue dream neos.. My rule in the rooms with tanks is... if you can smell something, then there's the potential for the source of the smell to get in to your tanks. Lids or not. Some fish are more tolerant of ammonia spikes than shrimp so an ammonia test strip or liquid test would be a good idea.
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