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  1. Coming back to the hobby after 13 years. Love the forum and videos. Placed my order today for some equipment, hopefully will have the 125 running and planted in about a month.
  2. I got back into aquariums almost a year ago. I bought a 10g tank and started with some neon tetras. That tank became a 29g that now houses 20 neons, 4 male mollies and two Nerite snails and lots of plants that has been running about 6 mos. The 10g is now my quarantine tank. I also have a 5g that has only been running a few weeks and will be a shrimp tank once it’s seasoned. I am amazed at the info on the internet yet, it appears water quality controls most of what happens in tanks. I am really starting to appreciate keeping things simple and stable. The people on this forum are so helpful and knowledgeable.
  3. Hi everyone. Been watching @Cory ,s pod casts for a while. Placed my first order with the co op this evening. Looking forward to receiving the Viss hatchery. It’s got to be much better than the soda bottle and light bulb I’ve been using this past year. (It works😄) Though I will still need to heat it some way. I own just 4 small aquariums all for catering to guppies My love is the indigo blue, Blue Dragons with black Dumbo ears. My stock are small and I’m slowly Line breeding for a larger size. There has been limited success There in the middle Bottom is a male larger than his father and brothers. he has all the traits I’m breeding for. Not much a success but its a start. This is a male only tank. Unfortunately I lost all the large females from this line during a water change accident. Still waiting for the younger girls to mature so I can start culling and breeding again. Though I did also out source a couple Of females in case there is a need to pull from a different gene pool
  4. 🙋‍♂️ Hello from Edmond Oklahoma. Like a lot of people, it seems, I am getting back in aquariums and fish keeping. I started a long time ago in the old metal frame tank days("frameless" tanks were too new and fancy for us poor students) when I was in college and dropped out of the hobby in the 90's when two teenagers and a heavy work load took precedence. My main interests are bass fishing and boating and Sooner football and Thunder basketball...and now this. This past January, I inherited my daughter's 60 gallon tanks and whole 9 yards when she got too much going on. I decided to retire in March when the pandemic struck. The aquarium has been a good source of activity ever since. While quarantined, I cycled the tank and kept it cycled with Dr. Tims, with Amazon being my main source of supplies. Along the way I acquired some Vallisneria and some snails to help with the new tank Diatom bloom. Still no fish until late August when, after watching every fish profile on You Tube, I decided on starting a N. Brichardi colony. I ordered 8 juvies from a LFS in Norman and all but one or maybe two are doing great. I have also started a Winlove Java Fern that I got from the Co Op here and have another order of Java Fern and other stuff on it's way now. I look forward to getting to know everyone, I have many questions that I am anxious to post..................So YEAH. 😃
  5. My family and I recently visited the aquarium here in Oklahoma. I took a few pics. Could have taken a lot more but I am a terrible photographer and normally take shaky ones. The cichlid tank was packed. I cant remember what type of fish this one was but thought he looked super cool. Some kind of Pike maybe? I dont know. Always cool seeing a large Arowana and Red-Tailed Cat. Bonus albino Red-Eared Slider.
  6. Hey guys. Its Hutch here. I've been super busy the last few months and havent been around as much as i'd like too. I still watch the COOPs videos every time a new one drops. Havent made it to a livestream in a bit tho. I miss the old live chats and miss the old aquarium family we had going there for a bit. Anyways I hope to be active here. I was going to go to each post I saw of people I know but dang theres a lot of posts.
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