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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. @Tre You may be more interesting and helpful than you realize. I always look forward to reading a new post when I see it's from you. Always real and down earth nitty gritty fish keeping at its best from you!
  2. I am currently running nine aquariums. I don’t have any filters in any of the aquariums including the 500 gallon aquarium. All the tanks have plants in them, and my assumption is this is what does most of the filtration along with the biofilm in the aquarium. I’m not against filters, it’s just that I only run them when I need them. And then it is usually a sponge filter. I think the reason I can get away with not using filters is low fish populations.
  3. I think you’re right because both have done fine in the tank. And the breeding difficulty of both has been the same which is absolutely no difficulty at all. I’m actually going for as much crossbreeding as I can get just for the joy of it.
  4. Update, the discus have grown and so have the shrimp. Little baby shrimp are starting to appear everywhere (this was tank I got the mulm from that had baby shrimp in it). So far the discus still ignore the shrimp and are far more interested in me.
  5. What an asset to the forum! I am switching out my RO system today and learning how little I know about plumbing! I may run a question or two by you later.
  6. Well it looks like we have the whole state covered! 🙂
  7. I just spewed my coffee when I read that sentence 😂
  8. So sad...yet another victim of Multi-Tank Syndrome (MTS) despite all the money poured in to hobby, all pledges at the MTS telethon and we are still no closer to a cure than we were in 1930s. Welcome to MTS island!
  9. Thought everyone would appreciate this quote from Innes on modified Walstad, So far I am considering sand from my creek as the substrate, and will probably go extremely light on the sheep manure.
  10. I have got some! I have some cool video of a swarm emerging from an observation hive in my house and of queens assassinating other queens.
  11. Daniel


    I tried the extracts and they just didn't cut it for me. Eventually I put in a reverse osmosis system and that gave me the low tds water I was looking for. When I was attempting to breed Heckel Discus I maintained a steady pH of 4.5 by dosing 18 M phosphoric acid with a Black Stone 7916 controlled by a pH probe \ This worked like a charm.
  12. @MickS77 and @Aquatic Journal , one of the higher grade phone macro lens is made by Moment. https://www.shopmoment.com/shop/starter-set Of course, it is expensive, but I tested several clip on types and was unsatisfied. The Moment lens brought satisfaction. Biggest downside is also its biggest upside. You cannot use the lens without the Moment case. That is part of the reason the starter kit cost $110. But this is also why is works so well. I have designed and am gearing to manufacture a similar product for microscopes (it is what I filmed the Mulm video with). The best photography comes when camera and the lens are fixed in their optimal positions. This is a drawing of an early prototype of my microscope adapter system Which is basically the same as a Moment system, although at the time I designed this, I had not seen the Moment macros lens and case.
  13. Here are baby Sparkling Gouramis in the bubble nest taken with an iPhone
  14. Welcome! That makes 3 of us (at least). I am in the Chapel Hill area. How about ya'll?
  15. There is one more factor to be considered with ‘raw’ tap water beyond chlorine and other disinfectants. Yesterday while leak testing the 1930s Historically Accurate Planted Aquarium I happened to measure the dissolved oxygen content of my tap water (we have a well, so chlorination is not an issue). I measured 0.7 ppm. That is well below the 2 ppm which the lower limit for supporting fish life. Typically my dissolved oxygen runs at about 10 ppm and after a day or two the tap water restores to that level during aging. Perhaps this is one of the benefits of aging your tap water prior to adding it in to your aquarium?
  16. It what @Irene does and by my tastes that velvet green on the back wall looks quite appealing. If we were keeping salt water tanks, that would be called an 'algae scrubber' and as they say 'back in London, they pay good money for that'.
  17. I have used Brine Shrimp Direct in the past and they have good quality eggs. But I am looking forward to trying the Co-Op's much anticipated brine shrimp eggs when they arrive (which could be soon).
  18. I am almost embarrassed to admit this but I am loving 'Hello Fresh' the meal-kit provider. My wife and have a big garden and she is a good cook, so when son suggested we try, I was very, very skeptical. I was wrong. The meals are very good, don't take a lot of time to prepare, and reasonably priced. We get 6 meals a week for 2 people (12 meals total) for $118/week delivered. That's $10 a meal. It's seems like it would be less expensive just to do the same thing from the grocery store, but for some reason our normal grocery expenses run $250 - $350 a week (unless I go on a condiment spree and then it can be much more). We often add a vegetable side dish (like a caprese salad) from our garden but there is plenty of food even without our additions. Overall, I like: Variety, constantly changing menu Saves oodles of time Reasonably priced Plain old just tastes good No commitment, you can make whatever weekly adjustments in menu or meal number you need, it is very flexible I might get tired of this one day, but I like this concept and after 3 months into it I am looking forward to the next 3 months
  19. Sometimes you get a bad batch. I recently had that with decapsulated brine shrimp eggs.
  20. Probably 1 large sponge filter is enough especially if you are keep plants. And 1 or 2 sponge filters will definitely not suck up any fry. My guppy fry like live hatched decapsulated baby brine shrimp. Would it be possible for you to hatch those eggs?
  21. It reminds me of an episode of a BBC documentary I watched where 2 British explorers are living with the Kombai tribe for a year in New Guinea. It is seemingly very authentic and when one of the hosts, Mark is punished for laziness by being pushed to the ground naked and beaten by the tribes’ women, he turns to the camera with a twinkle in his eye and says ‘back in London they pay good money for this'. In one thread And in another thread What is one persons punishment is another's ‘back in London they pay good money for this'.
  22. Congratulations @RovingGinger, @StephenP2003 and @Streetwise Funny we all assumed the same thing! I thought I had been hacked and this is what Candi wrote back: Somebody needs to let @RovingGinger know before she assumes the worst 🙂
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