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  1. I thought something similar myself. I was also told not to feed flake food as it loses most of its nutrition when it meets water.
  2. I was wondering what people's thoughts are on using crushed coral to buffer PH and Kh? I have been using it in my tanks as I have extremely soft water and within a day or two after doing a water change my Ph will drop below 6. I joined my countries largest facebook fish group and was told it's bad to use. They said the constant leaching of minerals stresses the fish as the water isn't stable then and to add powder buffers instead.
  3. I woke up this morning and one of my female albinos was dead.
  4. Early last month my cycle crashed as my cannister filter stopped working over night. A few weeks of daily water changes and it was restored again. Since then though my bronze and albino corys have stopped laying eggs. All the females are incredibly large and it's starting to affect their movement. I've tried doing water changes with cooler water to get them to spawn but nothing. Does anyone have any ideas?
  5. I can't even buy maracyn in my country so if that is the only treatment then I am buggered.
  6. It's like a black dusting on the leaves that won't really come off. It started on my Siamensis 53b and has just spread from plant to plant.
  7. I wish I could buy from Aquarium co-op but I am from the UK. If they ever start selling their products here in the future then it will be an expensive day for me 😂
  8. I might try again with another source then, I ordered these ones of ebay. I don't have a local fish shop unfortunately so I have to order from online.
  9. I do have plants yes so 1 may be enough then. I have tried hatching brine shrimp eggs and they hatch but it's very staggered. I will get around 100 then about half a day later I will have another 100 and so forth.
  10. So, I have a 25 gallon tank and have some guppies and corys in there. I was wondering if two large sponge filters would be enough filtration for my tank? If not then would a U3 or Eheim pickup filter be better? I don't want any of my fry being sucked up into the filter. Lastly, can newborn guppy fry eat decapsulated brine shrimp eggs? Thanks.
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