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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Oh no definitely no time for them to have spawned LOL! How often do we have a spawn and we don’t even...?
  2. Just the 2 that @J. Mantooth and myself uploaded to the Forum and And also the November 1936 issue of The Aquarium magazine where the Neon Tetra is introduced I am gathering more issues of The Aquarium from the 1930s to send to @J. Mantooth
  3. So sorry about the betta! They are really resilient (even out of water). Dang, that is 2 bummers in a very short time. 😒
  4. My fishroom is on a UPS that will run the room for about 24 - 48 hours if we lose power.
  5. I am finding I care more about the shrimp than I first assumed. I was watching this discus and thought, 'He's going and try to eat that shrimp, oh no, Mr. Bill!'. There is soft, hot acidic water in this aquarium and so far so good with the shrimp.
  6. This has happened to me also, and I reported it to @Lizzie Block. For me I can’t like anything in the morning, But by the afternoon I can like things again.
  7. No offense to present company intended (including our generous host) but the coolness bar for working at a pet store in 1977 was fairly low. I think their main concern was that they didn't want an employee that would steal fish (the person before me did just that).
  8. Same thing on my end. I didn't think I had used up my likes for the day, but that's what the message says. I did get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, maybe I used them up then?
  9. '77 was a good year for me and fish. I was working at a pet store and eagerly waiting for each TFH to come out. I just picked up this complete 1977 set from Eric Bodrock at AllOddBallAquatics. I am reliving both inventorying the neon tetra tank and dating my first girlfriend Tammy G.
  10. If you like discus and pictures of Amazonian habitats, these 2 by Heiko Bleher will give hours of fun. Lots of nice photos.
  11. Well, if you aren't picky and don't mind classic aquarium books, I recommend this 1936 The Complete Aquarium Book. It is available to download free from this forum. Here is the link to the complete book.
  12. The cherry shrimp are in and the Caridina shrimp will be in shortly. They clean up the excess Vibra Bites and hoping they will have babies soon.
  13. Whoa! That's an boat load of guppies! Is that a community breeding tank? It looks totally wild.
  14. Looks like Corydoras paleatus, or salt and pepper cory.
  15. I like Apisto nijsseni because they are good parents and the females look cool. They seem relatively flexible about water parameters.
  16. Wow, at one point a few minutes ago, there were 166 users online.
  17. I am a big fan of Apistogramma, what kind of dwarf cichlids are you focusing on?
  18. I don't know for sure if this is what is happening to your male Endlers, but there is evidence that males guppies pay a price for having those pretty colors Predator preference for brightly colored males in the guppy: a viability cost for a sexually selected trait
  19. Welcome Dammiguessaqua! I have just started keeping rice fish. I am pleasantly surprised how interesting and pretty they are.
  20. @Cory just mentioned the forum at the end of today's live stream. I look forward to seeing a lot of new happy faces!
  21. I was starting to get a little shaky there. I am so happy the forum maintenance is complete and the forum is online again. I can now go back to ignoring aquarium maintenance and housework and get on the real business of life which is reading and posting on this forum.
  22. I couldn't resist something described on the label as 'The Ideal Garden Twine'. It is like an @Cory product with an insane amount of product development behind it. But the kicker was 'Carried From The Pocket Leaving Both Hands Free'. The original was green and hard to see once you tied it on and therefore was 'not seen', hence the current name of NutScene (You have to say it with a Scottish accent as that is where it is made). And this may sound like an oddball excuse, but I wanted to tie the tube to the stick with a product available in the 1930s and this fit the bill.
  23. I love watching the snails, they look like Roomba vacuuming my floor. 🙂I thought I saw cat eyes in the middle of the night (do you have a cat @StephenP2003)? The fish really do go to sleep at night, but I guess their circadian rhythm got them up first thing in the morning long before the lights came on, that was so cool to see also. I very much would like to see more like this!
  24. So happy that they can all be part of one school! I sure they like it that way.
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