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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Back in the day (1960s) we didn't have have all fancy smantzy choices you young whipsnappers have grown up with. We proudly put our Longlife box filters in our Metaframe slate bottom tanks and were amazed when we saw the first Metaframe Dynaflo HOBs (it was impossible to get those siphone tubes going). And in the winter we had to walk to the LFS (it was Barncle Bill's if remember correctly) uphill both ways in the snow.
  2. What can you do? But you got baby angels last time, maybe you can get more from this batch.
  3. Yeah, my guess is that if y’all did a little market research, you would find that the people buying your plants, and buying EasyGreen, would be a ready market for an Aquarium Co-Op brand root tab plunger. There aren’t any available in the North American market, and it isn't a mechanically complicated device, doesn’t need UL approval, doesn’t need a MSDS. On the surface it would appear to be not too complicated to manufacture. Given, a user could put their eye out with it, but the liability aspect seems manageable, as would the customer support.
  4. The new root tab plungers Aquarium Co-Op is developing?
  5. It's a big target, almost the size of a full size sheet of plywood. And yes, no tops, never have had lids on my aquariums. As for the cats, I love the image of one of them with my phone in its paws starting the app, and the other one on top of the tank, mouth open waiting for Vibra Bites. Or even better, 'Meow, Alexa, start fish feeder, meow, meow.'
  6. @Bill Smith But I can plug it into the USB adapter that comes with the Nano air pump, right? If the adapter plugs into a receptacle in ceiling above tank and feeder is also mounted to ceiling nearby the adapter, then there is no need to mount the feeder to the rim or run cords over the side going down, I think? I have tried to keep anything off any of the 4 sides (even rims), part of my design was total 360° clean viewing with no hardware of any kind. Mounted to the ceiling is okay, but the rule is nothing can come down into the tank from top or come in over one of sides.
  7. All the lights talk to each other through USB-C, and talk to me through the Kessil phone app. I setup a profile yesterday that run's at about 5% most of the day, gets to maybe 14% at midday. I have some storms roll in before lunch and then cloudiness on and off in the afternoon. And now with iLonda apparently we will get the moon at night!
  8. After 7 years I just re-did the lighting and I hadn't gotten around to doing any cord management yet. I am glad I procrastinated, because now I also need to integrate the feeder into the ceiling and can do the cord management on the lights and feeder all in one fell swoop. /
  9. LOL, I just played a video of a user saying 'Alexa, turn on fish feeder', and his iLonda started and dropped a load of food in the user's aquarium. My Alexa was listening to this and butted in and said "I am sorry, I don't recognize a device called 'fish feeder'". This is a good sign.
  10. I didn't think I needed this...but since I have moved my discus to the big tank when I go to feed them Vibra Bites I have to stand on the couch to get up high enough to drop food in. And that whole experience of me pressed up against the tank and the hand overhead is very concerning to the discus. It just occurred to me if I had a feeder with a phone app that worked on demand, I could basically just text the little guys some food sans trauma. Since it has got the @Bill Smith big thumb seal of approval I am ordering one now. Next step will be to figure out how to hang it from the ceiling (I have AC receptacles in the ceiling above the tank).
  11. Thanks @DaveSamsell and @MickS77, between Dave’s vice idea and Mick’s leverage idea, I was able to get the 2 magnets apart without further bloodshed by using a large bronze wedge for leverage in combination with the vice.
  12. Oliver Knott claims* that with this fische automatisch füttern from JBL "die fische freut sich auf jeden fall" which I thinks roughly means the 'the fish like it'. And it looks like you can screw a whole can of food to it.
  13. Oh yes, I might be getting that underwater remote controlled submarine 4k camera that would swim in my aquarium and stream the results back to my phone for Christmas this year after all! Looks like this has been in the development pipeline for at least a couple of years: But even with a Felix, I don't think I will ever be as cool* as these stylish Euro-dude aquarium guys. I don't know if it is the hair or the accent, but I have a lot of work to do on both.
  14. I just went back and re-read this. Sorry about the tank, but man, that was one funny post!
  15. Not possible with the strength of a mere mortal to slide these things.
  16. I just changed out the pads on my Magnavore 8 magnetic algae scraper when I let the 2 halves get too close. Bam! 2 fingers and a thumb slammed inside. Fortunately my wife was nearby and was able to help me get my fingers and thumb out. Now, beside the pain, my current problem is separating the 2 halves again. The nearest strong thing metal thingy nearby were kitchen knives and I have gotten those wedged in but still no luck at getting even a millimeter of separation. My wife is incredulous at this knife solution saying, 'I'd film this but I don't want to get blood on my phone.' Any ideas on getting these 2 magnets apart that won't involve a trip the emergency room?
  17. Update, It possibly doesn't come in on the hornwort. I found this little patch in my Daphnia tank just now: Might have come in with the wild caught Daphnia. I have a theory about why just one small local patch in a 10 gallon tank. Maybe only one hydra, the founding hydra came in and this is just that one hydra reproducing. I sucked all of these little guys up with a piece of rigid airline tubing because I don't want the hydra getting fat on my Daphnia and cleaning all the Daphnia out!
  18. I have had fish for most of my life and I am still learning big time. Welcome @Redhead this forum is a great place to learn!
  19. You never know. And never get your hopes up about a first spawn. It often takes a few times to get it right. The good news is that if they have spawned once, chances are most excellent they will spawn again. Just keep them fat and happy and wait for the next batch.
  20. I asked the store if I could use their name and they said yes. They are 'The Fishroom' in Raleigh, NC and if you are looking for some mighty fine Leopoldi Angelfish now would be a good time to visit.
  21. First impressions are important and it was the first time I had sold fish to this store. I kept up good communication with the buyer so that they knew how many fish I was bringing and when. I made sure it was at a non-busy time for the store. At the end of the transaction, the buyer said 'if you've got anything else, let us know, we are interested.' Just what I wanted to hear.
  22. Yes, it is RO water, but I believe even if it wasn't RO water they would have bred all the same. That tank has RO because it was setup to breed Heckel discus (never happened). After the discus experiment I wanted something easy and the angels fit the bill. The angels were never picky about food, tank mates, or anything. My wife was very sorry to see them go. She says, 'best fish we've ever had'. And they were, but after several years, I just got itchy to make a change. After they pair bond what you notice is that they hang out together and then begin to chase other fish out of their territory. Feed the highest quality food you can get, blackworms work magic if you can get them. Keep the water clean. If you have good quality aged water frequent water changes will help.
  23. I have several more USB Nano Air pumps being shipped now.
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