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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Many of these old slate bottomed tanks from the 1920s and 1930s have a hole drilled clean through the oversize slate bottom in the tank. I think I know what the reason is (and it is not to connect to a sump). Anyone care to venture what you think the reason for drilling a hole through the slate might be?
  2. I forgot to credit my son Walker and his collaborator Richie Varnadore. I asked for a few minutes of 'fishy' music and two days later they delivered. Walker played the oboe and Richie did everything else on the music I used with the Sparkling Gourami breeding just above. I thought it turned out really good!
  3. For me it is Magnavoring in order to clean the glass on the big tank. It looks best if I do it about once a week. It takes about 30 - 45 minutes and I so often just procrastinate.
  4. @Irene Before and After! I am glad that the green algae on the heater, sides and back survived. It just seems that that velvety green algae has positive biological value to the health of the tank. It is a matter of taste of course, but I also like the look. @Chandra, Irene may clarify this, but I think she is saying she doesn't try and test everything or manage individual nutrients. She likely monitors nitrates and based on the nitrate level, doses with Easy Green.
  5. Lots of flow. Happy fish, happy shrimp, happy tank!
  6. I was typing the below, when @TheDukeAnumber1 was typing the above. Great minds think alike! In my garden when I have had to create decorative wood joinery with delicate pieces of wood, I have used stainless steel screws. But along the lines @MattyIce is suggesting, you could also drill holes and then tie everything together with something inconspicous like a small amount of fishing line, or some kind of non-reactive wire.
  7. Beautiful aquariums! You have a good eye.
  8. Today I have been prepping the aquariums for the Gravel and crushed coral with root tabs for standard tank number 1 vs Eco-complete for standard tank number 2 vs Walstad tank 3 experiment. But, I wasn't planning on catfish though...
  9. I just ordered some from the Co-Op. They seem pretty interesting and useful!
  10. The eggs have hatched and now I can see the little wiggler baby gouramis in the nest.
  11. They go absolutely insane for live mosquito larva. They go normal insane for live Daphnia and live blackworms. I think it is the wigglement factor with the mosquito larva that pushes all the right buttons.
  12. Did you see the big Leopoldi angels? That was my stock.
  13. It is going to take a least one more day. I just got a picture from the restorer. She broke a panel today 😒
  14. I went to the Fish Room in Cary yesterday and saw a good selection of freshwater fish there, thanks for the tip. And I sold them my remaining stock of angelfish, so overall it was a very good trip!
  15. I have a 10x eyepiece and the turret has 4x, 10x and 40x so in the video I start at 40x then go to 100x and finally 400x. I liked the view from 100x the most.
  16. Given how critical having backup during a power outage is, the $100 cost of this system is an extreme value. This is an example of this forum at its best.
  17. What a beautiful aquarium! I liked that he noted that you could spend as much time looking in from the top as the sides. I think that is a fun way to view the aquarium. It is kinda like having a glass sided summer tub in your house. He may not be a fish guy as he threw a little of everything in that aquarium. Neons, discus, betta(s), angelfish...🙂
  18. @Cory and @Brandy pretty much nailed it. Seems to be dead plant material, little single celled animals, and even baby cherry shrimp!
  19. Glad you asked, turns out there are baby cherry shrimp in the mulm (see video that follows).
  20. Yes, I have had it disappear spontaneously also. It had appeared just as spontaneously in a Daphnia tank that I was feeding green water. No fish, no snails, no plants in this tank. Eventually the hydra in the tank were able to eat almost all the Daphnia, so that point I threw in some hornwort and some guppies and some zebrafish. After that everyday had less mulm than the day before. Now it's almost gone.
  21. I have always assumed mulm was some sort of combination of living and dead bacteria. I was always happy to see it because I assumed the mulm is processing fish waste from something more toxic to something less toxic. But that is a least 2 assumptions so far. I haven't googled this yet so I am throwing the question out to the forum. What is mulm?
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