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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. the only way to ensure you dont get snails with plants is to buy tissue culture ones. you will more likely than not get snails on plants from the co-op.
  2. the only thing to be overly concerned with anubia's, is dont bury the rhizome. a few drops of glue onto rock or wood will secure it well enough for it to be secure. over time its own roots will grow and anchor themselves to whatever you place it on.
  3. id confine them to their room until they fess up.
  4. i like it, and had looked at them before. how much of a pain was it to install?
  5. most certainly not otto's. look to be chinese algae eaters to me.
  6. i tend to agree it is some type of anubias, and id glue it to a rock or wood.
  7. as above 120's are 48x24x24. ive had a 120 for about 25 years, and imo when getting into larger tanks it has the right dimensions, or better stated the right aspect ration of length to depth. only downside is being 24" deep, any time you do anything with it you are pretty much up to your armpits in the tank.
  8. id guess i have about 6 different foods, plus or minus one or two.
  9. like mentioned above, most metal air valves are nickel plated brass, and once the nickel is compromised the brass will corrode, or get verdigris to be more specific.
  10. id say its a little undersized to handle a 40 gal with a turtle. not to say it couldnt work, depending on how often you clean etc.
  11. ive had a few amazon swords just sort of hangin' on for a few years. started with easy green, and it maybe gave them a little perk up, then a few weeks ago i put 2 co-op root tabs in the substrate with each plant, and it perked them right up. i havent used the flourish ones, but id take a shot at adding another.
  12. how many gallons are we talking?
  13. watch out!!!! looks like a mad man behind the wheel. LOL
  14. imo , thats the plant portion. give it a few more days, and it should start to be more apparent.
  15. they certainly work, just not the latest and greatest.
  16. cold temps, and not suffiecient food are in my experience the 2 things that slow/stunt fish growth. imo , feeding twice daily is preferred to once.
  17. i picked up a hyger light not too long ago for my 55. seems to get the job done. plenty bright, 3 modes, white, white/red/blue, and red/blue. has like 5 brightness settings, and runs under $60. now its not fancy and programmable form your phone like the expensive lights, but for me it works. how long it will last remains to be seen however.
  18. i think this every time i see the "we dont ship live fish" header. LOL
  19. ive never used any kind of back ground. it is my belief it is more for the person to see fish better, not so much for the fish. certainly nothing wrong with having a back ground though.
  20. if the stand you are placing it on is flat, and level, there really is not a reason for a pad.
  21. most plecos do like to eat wood, but algae wafers are a good supplement also. as for repashy, most of my fish didnt really care for it, but the bristlenose pleco's tear up the repashy community.
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