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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. i just had a crinum show up still alive ( so far) after the usps screwing around with it for 11 days.
  2. it was likely grown out of water. the old leaves are dying off, because they arent used to being submersed. if it stays healthy the new leaves will take over, and the old ones will die off. perfectly normal imo. if the new leaves at the bottom start to suddenly die off or melt back, then its time to be concerned.
  3. i dont see a problem adding a few male endlers. now once the mollies start breeding, things could get over run if you dont have somewhere for them to go.
  4. if it has been boiled, there should be nothing bad left in it.
  5. with females, it is really hard to identify any particular strain.
  6. ^ looks to be a bichir. of course, i may have spelled that wrong. LOL
  7. been a long time since i had native fish, but most native fish do ok with just about any plant. as with all other plants, thicker hardier plants always stand a better chance. the main exception to this rule is, if you have any bullheads or catfish, they will root up and wreck just about anything. any of the anubias, and most sword plants would be my personal starting point .
  8. ^ that bell is neat. you have a real talent/skill.
  9. that is good news that it appears to be doing ok.
  10. the good thing, most fish we keep are actually fairly resilient little buggers. it may come around given some time.
  11. years ago i used to read other fish keeping forums, and in general they were, you do it this way or you are wrong, get out. thus far, here everyone seems to have a more laid back approach.
  12. assassin snails. no matter what method you use, if you want to keep the nerites, they will have to relocate elsewhere during the hunt.
  13. crushed up flake food works in a pinch for just about any fish.
  14. the most readily identifiable is the banana plant in front center.
  15. i would put some of your new items in the tank for a few days before you do the change over. this will help some of the bacteria to grow on them, and you wont lose all of your good bacteria.
  16. if you like them, and dont mind the maintenance, all good.
  17. that is a nice looking plant, that definately adds a pop of color.
  18. yup, i havent been to world of fish in a long time as its in the south end, and im on the north, but quality aquatics is 5 min away, so i get in there regularily.
  19. there was a time, we used paper bags, and our plastic straws came in paper wrappers. now our paper straws come in plastic wrappers. think about that one.
  20. bulbs from anywhere seem to be really a crap shoot. ive only ever had maybe 30% of bulbs sprout anything. yet i keep trying. LOL
  21. world of fish is always a nice to place to walk around.
  22. relax, take a breath. we all get a little worked up when the fish start acting strange.
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