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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. id stuff some kind of sponge/floss media in that hang on back, and let develop a bunch more good bacteria. i also agree with the poster above, too much water changing can make it so things never settle down.
  2. i know most around here get all worked up over a water softener, but if i wanted to lower hardness, and ph, i would install a water softener post haste. just my opinion.
  3. this is little miss attitude. runs about 77lbs now, but still has a 'tude.
  4. i would just add in another valve. crack it open to vent off unwanted air pressure.it is unlikely you need to do that though. air pumps should not over pressurize your air line system, or themselves. wont hurt anything to try it though, if you dont like it just close the new valve and its like nothing ever changed.
  5. stick them in the breeder box for a few days. see if it alters their behavior ( it likely wont, but worth a try). or as mentioned above, divide the tank, or rehome the endlers and find a different tank mate for your platys.
  6. certainly appear to be a barb. as for specific name, who knows fish shops seem to make up names on the fly.
  7. have you tested any water parameters? salt is a good general cure all if you dont know what is happening.
  8. i dont use prime myself, but i believe it is a dechlorinator, and thus should do the job.
  9. agree with the above. when i run a heater, it is undersized for the tank. much better the fish get cold than boil.
  10. you should definately treat the water. either before hand, or pour in a dechlorinator while doing the water change.
  11. wish i could help, my pygmy cory's are rarely seen. they sure like to hide.
  12. just google aquarium co-op video's you tube, you will get all kinds of them to watch.
  13. ive never kept or bred them, but if the parent is protecting them, and none are being preyed upon, i would be tempted to leave them be.
  14. with a seeded sponge in the tank, you have some bacteria going, so i would feed very lightly. crumble up 1 flake or a similar portion of what you normally feed once a day. fish can go quite some time on little to no food, so very light feeding should not cause further harm or stress to the fish.
  15. always a good plan no matter the source, as they will bake in the summer, and freeze in the winter.
  16. best advice i can give, is to watch cory's video's on the trio, and follow his advice.
  17. a very slow steady hand with the net. you have to sort of guide them to the glass with the net. also much easier to catch the smaller ones under 2", after that they seem to really get wary of the net.
  18. if you ordered from the co-op, they will also likely come in the insulated bag thingy as extra insurance.
  19. thats the beginning of new java fern plants. let them grow for a while, then pick the small plant off the leaf and plant somewhere else.
  20. a couple assassin snails will help keep the pest snail population in check also.
  21. agree with both are males. the females get very little color to them.
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