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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. the co-op sponge is good for growing bacteria, and some filtering. if you want finer filtering you can pair the co-op sponge with some of that blue/white filter media, or other fine filter floss. tons of choices depending on your exact goal, and the only real consideration is the finer the media, the more often it needs rinsed out or replaced.
  2. java ferns dont get too tall, however certain sword plants can get well over a foot.
  3. light or dark shouldnt matter. as far as when to dose, whenever you have a few minutes available approx 12hrs apart.
  4. its more like someone sanded the wood with very very fine sandpaper over a very long time. even something soft like a chunk of cholla wood will last over a year.
  5. nerite's, and pandagarra's are my choice. SAE's seem to quit eating algae once they get some size on them. at least thats been my experience.
  6. a bottle of fritzyme, something from another tank, to get the bacteria going, then add a couple fish.
  7. after 7 or 8 years with no babies, id be surprised if they suddenly started breeding.
  8. well with the way usps is working right now, you more than likely wont get plants by xmas anyhow. if by some off chance xmas miracle happened , and they showed up early, drop them into a bucket of water for a few days until you are ready. tap water is fine for the plants.
  9. im in the glue the roots camp, not the rhizome. on the other hand, it only takes a couple very tiny drops of glue to secure the plant to rock or wood, and those tiny drops shouldnt constitute a problem should it get on the rhizome. a couple drops, press the plant onto the glue, and done. no need to run a giant bead like caulking the bathtub
  10. glass lids get a little plastic strip[ at the back that can be cut out for hang on back filters, air lines, etc. i think you are onto the 2 realistic choices though, either no lid or buy a glass lid. i know plenty of people run tanks without lids, but i like the lids to keep evaporation in check.
  11. very likely the silk plants will get stained to some degree. driftwood should be ok, and i cant give an honest answer about the acrylic tank, as i have no experience with it.
  12. i like the madegascar rainbows myself. if i recall they get a little over 4".
  13. i cant speak for sand, i run gravel, and just shove 'em in and so far they stay down. the capsules themselves dont pose any danger to the fish.
  14. clown pleco's get about 5" max size, so youre good there. barbs can be a little agressive or nippy, but the danios are fast enough its likely not a problem.
  15. some bettas are okay with other fish, but it sure seems that they are the old curmudgeon of the fish tank world.
  16. i absolutely agree with the "if it will fit in their mouth". no doubt about it, absolutely factual. no matter how friendly they are.
  17. i would skip a day between dosing the excel, and the easy green for a while. if it improves, then you are on the right track. if it does not improve, then cut the light intensity or reduce the hours its on.
  18. that should look really nice once it settles for a day or two.
  19. trace amounts only, unless you use your water while the softener is regenerating.
  20. water softeners dont put salt in your water. the salt is used to flush out the resin tank. the resin is what removes the hard minerals from the water supply.
  21. i agree with the above. anubias, and java ferns are probably the easiest aquarium plants to keep, and they look good.
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