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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. relax, take a breath. give the fish, and yourself a little time to calm down. if the rasbora got a physical injury from being stuck, there is little you can do other than wait to see what happens.
  2. java ferns will get brown spots on them, it does not mean they are dying. anubias, and java ferns are fairly low care items. a little light, and some nutrients in the water, and they tend to do ok. they do grow slow though.
  3. i agree with the above. amano shrimp can flat disappear when they want to. not saying they werent snacked on, but very likely they are hiding.
  4. the prime is likely giving you your readings of ammonia. if it were me, id just back off a bit on the water changes. say give it a few more days in between , and see how it settles in.
  5. much like the above poster, i feed many different foods. doesnt matter too much, other than it be something they actually eat.
  6. 20 some years ago i had 2 different types of sturgeon, and 2 different gar. now i keep little bitty tiny fishies.
  7. just my opinion, but best to run the lights when you will be around to view the fish. algae growth is more about how much light, vs. when its light.
  8. life is too short to let how others enjoy their hobby bother me.
  9. just joined myself, from the north end of the cities.
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