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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. One last test of the leaf tank: I moved out all of the larger plants, and the small wood to my pico utility tanks: The buckets have been simplified, with the future TBD. Left: Maple leaves + gravel; Center: Mopani wood + mulm; Right: Spare Foam + mulm + leaves.
  2. I'm just brainstorming here, but you could probably make DIY heat packs with higher temperature water, and some air, sealed in a bag or container, and left to float.
  3. @Frank, that is a great question regarding PAR, power, output, and the percentage display in the software interface. I am hesitant to speculate. Maybe someone here can test! @James Black, it will be great on a five gallon. I have Nanos on five tanks that are five gallons or smaller. My other Nanos are on a 7.5, tubs, and buckets. I almost always recommend the high bracket configuration, and you won't need a lot of power. Some of my posted schedules are for this size range, and I'm sure you could find or scale others. The only consideration is if it is a rimmed tank, you will need to have someone 3D print that rimmed tank adapter that I link to in the first post. The file is free to download. My buddy who designed it says it needs an m8-1.25 nut for it from your local hardware store. I am embarrassed that I haven't tried it myself yet.
  4. I learned BASIC in grade school, then Pascal in HS, then C in engineering classes, and LISP in architecture classes, which was my favorite programming language. Code that could modify code while running was mind-expanding. I know HTML and CSS for volunteer reasons. I want to come back to Common Lisp. I had a lot of fun writing cellular automata software for art back in the mid-nineties.
  5. I trimmed the mullet, but left the faux-hawk on the wood. I'm saving the excess hair algae for Sam the turtle. All the inhabitants are happy.
  6. I think that you have a nice balance with plants, fish, wood, and water.
  7. The medium sponge filters are bigger than you may think. A pair of nano sponge filters in the back corners of your 20 will be easily hidden by plants.
  8. I have neglected this tank except for feeding and top-off. It looks like a tribute to Hair Metal.
  9. I would recommend dropping your blue levels quite a bit. I don’t go above single digits in my 20 gallon tanks and nanos. For a brief night light, 1% is enough when all the other colors are off, at least at my depth. We have a bunch of programming examples from the forum community here: BTW, your tank looks gorgeous! You can probably get away with less frequent water changes with your stocking level, and the good amount of plants in there.
  10. Your plants look great to me! I think everything will be fine. Your driftwood looks good too. Take a deep breath and let everything grow.
  11. I would encourage you to embrace the tannins.
  12. I love the colors, patterns, and camouflage of wild Neocaridina, so I enjoy a mix plus nature.
  13. Cheers @Betsy, I think reusing stuff is part of the positive spirit of our hobby.
  14. I would love to try Archerfish. I would probably spend hours watching them shoot bugs.
  15. I kept White Clouds and Neocaridina shrimp in my outdoor tubs, tested personally down to 52 F, but they can even survive under ice.
  16. @Shadow_Arbor, don’t forget that you can edit posts. I edit all the time because my grammar teachers live in my mind, rent-free.
  17. A proper bump post adds no new information or commentary, so you have failed to make a bump post. Thanks for a better post than a bump. Now my post is the borderline post.
  18. If you add an externally-hosted image with an http address, it may not show in some browsers, because it is not considered secure on an https site like the forum. An image hosted on an https site would probably work, but the easiest thing is to just upload to the forum. Image handling on this forum is one of its major advantages. The previous forum that I used has very limited per-user storage, with low resolution. When I ran out of account space, I had to switch to jumping through hoops to embed from Flickr. This forum is so much better.
  19. @Fish Folk, Nice! I love those underrated tetras. I think I have room to add more to my Askoll 20.
  20. Awesome tank, and excellent journal! Thanks for sharing it.
  21. This is what Dwarf Sagittaria looks like in a 7.5 gallon tank: There are other plants in there, but it is the narrow plant with the runners. I think that Otocinclus would chill on it. I hope that helps.
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