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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. @Hobbit, I found this for you:
  2. Now it makes more sense, because Maple leaves are supposed to be acidic.
  3. Moving probes from my Askoll tank to the leaf/snail bucket.
  4. @Hobbit, do you see a symmetry with the role of tannins in water with higher-pH and minerals, compared to the function of crushed coral in lower-pH and soft water?
  5. There are many good suggestions here. I will just add that for a beginner, feeding a group of fish may be simpler than feeding a single fish, with less risk of over-feeding.
  6. I tested again and looked at some other photos of test strips from this bucket, and I think I was misreading the pH because of massive tannins. I brought the bucket to my apartment, and moved it to a larger 5 gallon, and topped off the water. I will test again this week with my Apex probes. Has anyone else tested tannin-heavy tanks with strips, and considered if the water color affects the color on the test strips?
  7. @Hobbit, you are an excellent teacher! Thanks for the chemistry review.
  8. I went for a visit today to help with some technology issues. I couldn’t stay long enough to add some of the Co-Op plants that I bought recently. The reflections are a bit surreal.
  9. Thanks @OceanTruth! These tanks have gone through many changes. You can scroll back in the thread to see. @Daniel encouraged me to embrace the window light and zero-tech, just from watching various ecosystems.
  10. I would recommend reading threads from @Daniel, who will encourage you to embrace all the cool life and chemistry at each layer of the ecosystem. This Cory guy does really low maintenance ponds, but I’m not sure if I should post a link. Is this a sign of livestream withdrawal?
  11. The Next Level of Seasoned Tank Time
  12. It is really cool watching shrimp through the natural light from the windows. They seem to love the little mulm gardens where the foam was.
  13. The Protagonist: "I saw an inverted Galaxy Rasbora, and a Celestial Pearl Danio, both emerging from the turnstile at the same time." Priya: "They were the same fish."
  14. Twice a day for me: tank dawn, then bedtime, sometimes sinking stuff for bottom-feeders during a siesta.
  15. It is an update in nomenclature for Danio Magaritatus, but some LFS may still use the old name.
  16. I turned on Temperature Compensation for the pH measurement, and it did not force me to recalibrate. I also switched my data logging from 2 minutes to 10 minutes to dampen my graphs.
  17. I started in the planted tank hobby with some spare gear from my marine days. I tried using a few of of those and they were just too powerful. Maybe you could save them for a circular-flow Hillstream Loach tank. Your Ember Tetras would prefer the flow of a Nano Sponge Filter or two.
  18. You can get excellent coverage with a 24" Fluval Plant 3.0 light, since it is almost the exact same width.
  19. @Daniel has shrimp living outside under ice, and mine went down to 52° F in my outdoor tubs. For any of my tanks with just Neocaridina and/or White Clouds, I do not use a heater.
  20. Neil: "Well, with enough aquatic plants..." The Protagonist: "You mean Co-Op plants."
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