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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. Some random items from the scroll: TIL - Today I learned ELI5 - Explain like I'm five Freshwater: Neo(s) - Neocaridina davidi shrimp Marine: FOWLR - Fish-only-with-live-rock (without intentional coral) Reef - Live coral +
  2. You are probably right! I like the plants and Mopani wood. Enjoy whatever you do!
  3. @Clovis, your tank looks really nice. It really looks like a potential Neocaridina paradise.
  4. They have access to the surface for all aspects of photosynthesis. They want you to add inhabitants of your choice to create plant nutrients for their roots to consume. 😉 They provide an excuse to go shopping.
  5. I am going to try for a fish transport metaphor: returning from a trip. You might be acclimated to the hotel. You might be all set for the mall-bubble of an airport. You might be okay with the closed-air and pressure regulation of the flight home. You might still be awake when you finally get to drive home. But there is no better feeling than being back home, and getting cozy! Your tank should be the Shire for new inhabitants.
  6. @Daniel does plop and drop. I enjoy all the advice that helps me relax about fish-keeping.
  7. Your plant spacing should be an example for aquarists. Amazing!
  8. I could be wrong. I had a bad experience recharging it. I never should have used it for my tanks.
  9. I don't like Purigen. It seems like part of the micro-plastics problem.
  10. I would have just dumped them in with the water, but if you did the net technique, I wouldn’t do anything else, unless there are more fish in the bag.
  11. Go for it. Get them into your healthy water!
  12. LPS - Local Pet Store Some of us don’t actually have local fish stores, just a couple of local spots with aquatic products and inhabitants.
  13. @JamesB, please keep sharing your tanks.
  14. Mopani, as @Jungle Fan suggests. I only discovered Spider Wood in recent years. I had wood with plastic plants as a kid, so it was amazing to use the same piece in an organic soil tank years later!
  15. When I came back to the hobby, I was wary about tannins, and put in a lot of effort to remove them. I used Purigen, recharged with bleach, and had some negative side-effects because of my own mistakes. Then, like the idea of not chasing pH, I embraced tannins and grew to love them and their benefits, especially with hard water. I have one piece of wood that is thirty years old and still releases tannins because my inhabitants still enjoy grazing it, and breaking it down.
  16. My limitation is fear of moving. I think 20 gallons is the largest size that I could carry with substrate, and minimal water.
  17. Top Fin has a water-change kit with an inline pump. The tubing and fittings might be Python-compatible.
  18. I consider algae to be an important component of my tanks. It grows because of my substrate, lights, and food. Plants provide a balance, but I enjoy keeping algae-eaters, so I always want algae.
  19. @Cory, I think you are handling this like a consummate professional. Here is a Wikipedia section covering their lifecycle. I have dealt with them for years as a sailor, but these details are eye-opening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebra_mussel#Lifecycle The lifespan of a zebra mussel is four to five years.[6] A female zebra mussel begins to reproduce within 6–7 weeks of settling.[12] An adult female zebra mussel can produce 30,000 to 40,000 eggs in each reproductive cycle, and over 1 million each year.[13] Free-swimming microscopic larvae, called veligers, drift in the water for several weeks and then settle onto any hard surface they can find. Zebra mussels also can tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions, and adults can even survive out of water for about 7 days.
  20. Glowlight tetras are not GloFish®; they are Hemigrammus erythrozonus from Guyana. Marimo moss balls are not moss, but Aegagropila linnaei, a species of filamentous green algae. Blue-green algae is not algae, but Cyanobacteria, also know as Cyanophyta.
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