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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. Try a pair of skewers, chopsticks, or a fork for a twirl and removal.
  2. I keep them together in two tanks. They each like some different stuff and some of the same. I love them both!
  3. I just re-read the instructions, and I think that it is better to use each strip separately, and not try to photograph the results simultaneously. The timing is so different for each. Here is an ammonia test from my 16 bow:
  4. I made the mistake of over-trimming the roots of a massive Amazon sword that I picked up from my LPS to drop in my new tubs last summer. I sliced it into clumps, but I was too aggressive. If you are seeing growth, stay the course, as @Jungle Fan describes.
  5. I did another beta test, this time on my 7.5 cube. @StephenP2003, Cory mentioned to stir very gently. The new pad is more accurate, but more sensitive.
  6. I just want to remind our regular Nerms to check this feed: https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/unanswered-topics/
  7. Sailboat racing is a huge passion of mine. I can’t wait to get back out on the water after a lost summer. I need a Murphy graphic on that green spinnaker!
  8. There have been a few recent threads that mention epoxy and fiberglass. I found an old video that I think might show part of my sailboat’s construction, showing the resin infusion process. They vacuum-bag the hull in the mold, and use negative pressure to evenly draw the resin into the foam-core and composites. With spring here, I have sailing on the brain.
  9. I like my Fluval Plant 3.0 units, but I haven't tried to light a tank of that size yet. @Daniel swears by the Kessil A360x Tuna Sun lights, and they look great on his centerpiece tank hanging from pendants.
  10. Becoming a nerm: ”I am not broken. And I am not alone.” (Cyborg - Zack Snyder’s Justice League)
  11. That is the epic move that we have all been waiting for! Look at all the dedicated lights.
  12. They want nutrients from the substrate, be it active substrate, organic soil, root tabs, etc. They are hungry.
  13. Thanks @Kirsten! I just sent this to my folks, who have gone to many of the Met theatre broadcasts. I have fond memories as a kid of going to the dump on Saturdays, and throwing trash bags with an epic aria blasting from the vehicle.
  14. I think of my organic soil as a big, active battery, and I want to plug as much as I can in so the energy goes to plant growth.
  15. Some of these may need to get the meme treatment! Admiring the perfect corner join on a rimless tank, looking at the silicon: "Does it come in black?" (Bruce Wayne - Batman Begins)
  16. Without knowing more, I would add many more plants.
  17. Awesome work @Mikeo! If you would't mind, I would like to add some of this to the first post in the main 3.0 thread. Have you considered hosting the file on Thingverse or something similar? Then we can link directly to it, like we do for the 3D-printed rimmed-tank Nano adapter.
  18. Here are two options: add some felt feet and put it directly on the glass, or get a 3D-printed adapter. The information is in the first post here:
  19. @Cory, can you please tell us more about the solenoid-based, automated back-flushing of your FX6 units?
  20. This is my second beta test. The test strip spacing is slightly different than the label spacing, so I tried to line them up in camera. This is lit with a home LED.
  21. Vermont looks like the Shire in summertime. I am lucky 🍀 @Anita!
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