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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. I got my mom into the habit of moving excess water lettuce to the tubs. I neglected to photograph the tubs, but I took a couple of shots of the tank.
  2. This is one of my favorite all-time photographs for our hobby.
  3. I like to place wood like a tripod, so that it provides a safe, shaded place for the shy fish.
  4. I would suggest adding a large piece of wood, as well as more plants. The wood would add a more vertical element, and more plants are always a good thing!
  5. Robotech was my intro as a kid. I really enjoyed Mobile Suit Gundam Wing in college, and then Cowboy Bebop. I’m really out-of-the-loop these days, but I would enjoy trying something that resembles The Expanse.
  6. I started as a teenager a while back. I wish that I could have had all the amazing forum and video resources of today!
  7. They are in-store only, so you won’t be able to find them online. I’m not sure why they don’t at least get a listing on the website.
  8. For about half the price you could get a Top Fin MF10 from PetSmart. They are symmetrical and you can replace the media with Aquaclear 20 foam.
  9. You could scatter a bit of gravel so that you have a continuum of sizes.
  10. I love mulm. I will admit that I have cleaned filters and dumped all the mulm back into the tank.
  11. My favorite soil is organic topsoil from a local composter. http://www.growcompost.com/compost-home/ Hopefully you have something similar, and local to you. Try to be minimal with any sand/gravel cap.
  12. I wish folks would try organic soil in potted planters. It is a nice way to dip your toe in organic soil.
  13. Water lettuce seems like nature’s spawning mop.
  14. https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/131-fluval-plant-30-scheduling-and-programming/
  15. I love my Fluval Plant Nanos. You could probably bend a right-sized piece of aluminum to make a custom L piece.
  16. I delivered a bucket-load of water lettuce, and also checked in on the Anubias in the goldfish tank.
  17. Sorry for the late reply. The plan: one bucket each for: 🪣 Decomposing maple 🍁 leaves 🪣 Spare wood + foam + plants 🪣 Off-gassing chlorine I ended up adding mulm, accidental shrimp fry, and water lettuce. I used my spare lights, and dropped in some Co-Op sponge filters. Each is still different. I hope to deliver a massive amount of water lettuce to the turtle and goldfish tanks at work tomorrow. I think that five gallon buckets might be the perfect summer tub size for apartment or condo dwellers, so these may all move outside for a season. While I will continue my long-term maple experiment, I really want to breed more shrimp that I can continue to keep.
  18. All of my planted tanks are organic soil tanks, so I don’t add fertilizers. With pico water volumes, I would try to avoid any big changes, including water changes. Drive boring. Top off, and feed in moderation. Add as many plants as you can fit. If you are worried about your source water, age it or prep it in a bucket, rather than in a tiny aquarium. You could also use seasoned water from larger tanks. @Dawn T I currently only heat my Betta tank.
  19. I keep a few pico tanks for plant staging. It is nice for orders, but also if I take cuttings, or if a plant floats up after a new planting. I get to take my time, and not rush anything.
  20. I would love to buy and support a symmetrical Co-Op hang-on-back filter.
  21. @Betsy, I love all of your updates and enthusiasm! Your smile is infectious.
  22. @Cory, what would it take for you to carry this filter? Symmetry Nerms like me don’t care about being price-competitive for items like this. I would prefer to order from you.
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