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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. I did stir a bit vigorously, so that explains the nitrate pad. I'll try again today, but gently. They do seem to be easier to read than my previous test strips. I should have provided better light for the first two photos. The second two were with my flash on, so I will also see if things look any different with normal lighting.
  2. I don't play this game. I'm more into stealth action. However, someone reverse-engineered the asset loading code and got $10K for their efforts. https://nee.lv/2021/02/28/How-I-cut-GTA-Online-loading-times-by-70/ This is where I learned the word, 'anecdata'.
  3. So right, @lefty o! Enjoying one style does not mean dismissing other styles. I know that I am really fortunate for my water, so I haven't dealt with all the water treatment that others have had to learn.
  4. I will probably start an organic soil support thread. I just don't want to argue with anyone.
  5. When I first started here, I was very sensitive about sharing that I run organic soil tanks, and that I try to run with minimal water changes. I was used to people telling me that I was doing things wrong. @Cory got more into low-maintenance indoor ponds, and @Daniel celebrated his no-filter tanks and ponds. This forum has really helped with my hobby confidence, and made me a better supporter of other aquarists, even if they don't run systems the same way that I do. I want everyone to succeed for our underwater friends.
  6. A pair of sponge filters would be fine. I don’t see the need for a sump.
  7. They are now suggested products on this thread! I’m amazed at how long we voluntarily kept a secret!
  8. I run all my planted tanks the the same way, with the same substrate and lighting, but only one has hair algae. The only thing different is the room; it has way more windows and ambient light. I bought light-blocking curtains, and it has helped. This might be something to consider.
  9. It is not an acronym, but I learned a new word today that I look forward to using. Of course I know what an anecdote is, and I have made anecdotal statements. However, there is also anecdata! an·ec·da·ta /ˈanəkˌdadə,ˈanəkˌdādə/ noun information or evidence that is based on personal experience or observation rather than systematic research or analysis. "this is just anecdata, so I was pleased to find a paper that adds some rigor to my reflections"
  10. It is probably not in the hobby, but I found a fish that can really handle the heat! The Julimes pupfish lives in water that reaches 114 degrees: https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/meet-the-world-s-hottest-freshwater-fish Out of curiosity, I did a little bit of research into chillers, since I have seen them used for Trout in the Classroom programs. They are not cheap! I saw some links to some DIY options, but didn't dig any deeper. You could probably setup a system where water recirculates between an indoor and outdoor system, which might be a fun engineering challenge.
  11. I got my package today. I’ll post something, but I’ll wait for Cory to present the products in a livestream. On my previous forum, I ran out of storage space for photos, and had to get Flickr Pro, which is $6.99/month. I got the yearly deal for less, but $5.00 a month for content, a low-drama/high-value forum, plus photo storage makes sense for me.
  12. @Hobbit, none of my white clouds jumped in the tubs, or in their current open-top indoor tank. Here they are at 12x speed, enjoying life at the surface:
  13. Cheers @Trish! I have about 72 gallons worth of tanks and buckets in my apartment. It is an old building with poor insulation, but heat is included. I'm not sure if humidity is an issue, but it might be a positive in the dry winter months. I run AC in the summer, and try to keep the place at about 68-72º F year-round.
  14. I removed almost all of the duckweed from my 7.5 gallon cube. My ember tetras came out a bit more with a more open surface in that aquarium.
  15. Cheers @OceanTruth! That is moss from the Vermont woods, and it may also come with lichen and other surprises. I pour top-off water on it, but it is very resilient, since it can survive our winters. It is not suitable for planting underwater, but it can survive at the waterline.
  16. I totally relate. I like achieving nice boring stability. I look forward to seeing your system.
  17. My order is on the way. Did anyone else check out these new products? I will just say that they are not anything that we thought of in this thread.
  18. Very cool, @Hobby Doc! I don't run any tanks at your size, but I like the idea that each tank can be its own sump. Since you have a big tank, and a big sump, you could do so many cool things. Your large tank will probably be able to hold enough beneficial bacteria to take care of itself, so your sump could be on display doing all sorts of other projects, or let you overdrive your display tank. I imagine an overgrown shrimp paradise in one of the sump chambers.
  19. It looks like you have an amazing tank, and an epic sump. Are you coming from a marine background?
  20. My only tip is that the Overview tab shows the most program details for lighting.
  21. I love all this tub enthusiasm! I get to live vicariously for some of the warmer climate zone species that I can’t keep! I hope that someone in a warm zone keeps some archerfish and films them shooting bugs.
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