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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. It looks like a shrimp paradise! Do you have any in there?
  2. I swapped out white drapes for light-blocking drapes. Sometimes the best upgrades are outside of the tanks!
  3. Found on Reddit. Much respect to everyone sharing their own mistakes.
  4. I am using these again. I don't need more filtration, but I wanted to add a little flow. I would love to see the Co-Op carry this specific model for the symmetry nerms.
  5. Cheers @Betsy! There are so many nice varieties of crypts. The various colors and textures just look so good together, and you never have to trim them. I think that almost all of my crypts and anubias came from the Co-Op. Since I run small tanks, I tend to avoid most stem plants, so I have focused on smaller plants. I also love dwarf sagittarius. When photographing my betta with my iPhone, I usually hit the 2x, and then just try to take pictures while dodging the reflection of the light. Most of them are blurry, but there are always pauses in the swimming patterns. This betta likes to do runway turns with her blue gown.
  6. Did it cover the entire surface, or were you trying to keep a space open, filters not withstanding? I thought of one other thing. In my window shrimp tanks where I removed all the technology, duckweed growth has slowed massively. I don't think it is just the removal of the lights; the lack of flow seems to make a difference too.
  7. I like duckweed in moderation. I remove it with combs, hair picks and nets. It is easiest to remove in rimless tanks, with no emergent plants or wood. Rimmed tanks are a challenge to get what you can't see. I donate my excess to a turtle tank at work. One way to remove it is to use an Eheim skimmer without foam, to just let the impeller macerate it, but don't do this if any creatures can get into the skimmer. Another way is to use a hang-on-back or two with the flow turned up, and let the duckweed collect underwater on a pre-filter sponge. I just did this. In one of my buckets, I am testing if water lettuce can completely outcompete duckweed.
  8. I made some changes in my Askoll 20, and 16 Bowfront. I removed the heaters and moved one HoB to the 16 for flow. I also removed the lid and background from the 16 Bow. I dropped in a bunch of water lettuce in both tanks.
  9. @TheDukeAnumber1, I expected mosquitos in my Vermont water. My juvenile White Clouds seemed to take care of any larvae.
  10. Thanks @OceanTruth. I try to take really square photos of my tanks, but those often don't show the inhabitants. Sometimes messy pictures are the only way to catch the fish and shrimp in action. I have tried to keep different tetras, danios, and minnows in each of my tanks, but the Bloodfins just have such fun swimming behavior, and they bring out so much from their shy tank-mates. The 2.5 photos weren't square because I was standing on an office chair, trying not to fall.
  11. On my way back from my folks's house the other day, I picked up six Bloodfin tetras, and one additional SAE for my 16 gallon bow, and a pair of SAEs for my Askoll 20. In the 16, the Bloodfin tetras proved themselves to be proper dither fish, and brought all the introverts out from the plant cover. In the Askoll 20, the SAEs are already going to work. I also took a couple of top-down photos of my window 2.5s. 20: 16: 2.5:
  12. Some of the lighting schedules in this thread use siestas: We also discus siestas here:
  13. @James Black, I am thinking about trying this overflow system:
  14. I finally made a visit. The tubs need to get topped-off a bit. I took home a huge bag of water lettuce.
  15. I encourage anyone setting up a tub to provide a critter escape route, in case a mouse or something comes for a drink. I learned this the hard way.
  16. I used to do digital art back in the day, so I like the accidental images. I will use those new photos. I noticed something interesting after adding those HOBs back, plus the other light, but not changing the heater.
  17. I'm not sure what happened here. Perhaps two lights, and more flow, or an accidental camera setting. One shot came out as expected.
  18. As an organic soil nerm, I keep re-reading Ecology of the Planted Aquarium.
  19. Congrats @Maggie, @James Black, @Betsy! Blur your eyes for any Co-Op emails!
  20. These are mixed Neocaridina. I love them. I hope this helps.
  21. The mulm in my apartment does not seem to rejoin the hardwood substrate. I think that I need to gravel vac the floors.
  22. I removed cat hairs from my terrestrial moss, while my Betta supervised.
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