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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. These are mixed Neocaridina. I love them. I hope this helps.
  2. The mulm in my apartment does not seem to rejoin the hardwood substrate. I think that I need to gravel vac the floors.
  3. I removed cat hairs from my terrestrial moss, while my Betta supervised.
  4. It is the server rack version of a fish rack. Very cool!
  5. @ererer, I'm in Waterbury. I think there are about a half dozen of us on the forum from Vermont. I'll have to look into that fish club. Cheers!
  6. I am on vacation, so I made a mess. I trimmed and stirred. I added a Co-Op plant pot, which is many plants:
  7. Okay, next boring question: are the room lights an issue?
  8. @Betsy, what are the windows like in that room?
  9. I like the hatchery, but I have only tried two attempts, because I hatched way more than I need. I went small, but I will try smaller. I wish brine shrimp was something I could just run in another pico tank. When I ran marine tanks with canister filters, I would get all sorts of small shrimp or copepods living in my filters. Maybe I need to start a marine tank again, just for the side effects.
  10. I decided to stir things up in my oldest planted tank, after thinning my substrate and cap. I am increasing flow and changing the lighting.
  11. Lexan is a common window material in sailing, which stands up to UV, and can be polished. I don't know if it gets used in the aquarium hobby.
  12. I grew up around repurposed railroad ties that were used for landscaping, which were often sealed with creosote. This makes me slightly wary about using barrels if their history is unknown. My fear might be unwarranted, but I would just drop in one of those pond liners to be safe, if you want that vintage look.
  13. The tub model that I used last summer, which fits inside those half barrels, seems to be labeled as: 26 inches by 26 inches, high-density polyethylene pond liner, 20-gallon.
  14. I haven't visited for about a month. I asked my dad for some photos. I guess the DWL grew back.
  15. I have a Nano sponge filter on my 7.5, but I could definitely get away with no filter because I have enough plants. Cory's flow advice becomes more important with the size of the tank, especially above 20 gallons. In outdoor tubs, sometimes wind can be enough to move water.
  16. When I setup a tank for my parents, I asked my mom (80) to feed, and my dad (85) to top-off the water. She keeps a little list and cycles through the food that I provided, while my dad has a separate watering can from the one he uses for the 23 houseplants that he keeps.
  17. I collected some Duckweed, and started another lap around Sol. I'm really thankful for this forum community.
  18. Someday, I will get into gardening, and I hope to be Samwise.
  19. We discus some internal filters in this thread. The MF10 is pretty quiet. I'm only using sponge filters now though.
  20. I think my ~20 gallon tubs from a box store were meant to fit right inside those half barrels. I've pretty much decided that I will keep my tubs in the basement indefinitely, and do something different. I've realized that they are too big to be easy to move, and I want something easier. I am thinking of using some of my white five gallon buckets, but I'm starting to research clear buckets or food containers with good handles. Does anyone have a favorite clear container that is easy to carry?
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