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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. This forum went public on Bastille Day, 2020. I think it has been an amazing home for planted tank enthusiasts during a very difficult time. We should do something special to celebrate this community on 2021.07.14.
  2. Cool @Krakens_tanks! Nice addition! Turn off all the other lights and share another photo! If you have an iPhone, turn on the grid view, which will help you square everything up in a shot.
  3. @Anita, I grew up with limestone well water, a septic system, and a leach field. This definitely influenced my aquarium style. I love Shire season in Vermont. Cat edit. My adopted stray trusts my water.
  4. @Anita, my vintage village apartment has heat included, wide windowsills, and a dirt basement. Nothing is level except for my camera. I do have chlorine, rather than chloramine, in my local water. However, I may still live in a flood zone.
  5. I moved my utility 2.5 to the window with the other 2.5 gallon tanks. I also removed the glass dividers and the foam that I was using as substrate and glass support, leaving just the organic soil from the center chamber. The soil and cap collapsed to a little hill, and I planted some plants, and scattered some fine gravel on it. I left all the mulm. I could have just redone the whole thing, but I thought it looked interesting. I will probably put another color of neo shrimp in there, like the other two in the triptych.
  6. I enjoyed watching my young white clouds at the surface:
  7. When I moved my summer tubs inside last fall, I caught every white cloud and moved them to a new tank, along with most of the plants. I put the tubs on racks in the basement, without lights or filters, and only half-full of water. I came back a few weeks later to add lights, plants, and sponge filters, and caught a very healthy white cloud to add to the indoor tank. I guess I had enough active biology to keep it alive!
  8. When I setup a tank for my folks, I put it on a piece of slate, with another piece behind the glass. However, the heavy tannins mean that you can’t really see the back.
  9. I hope to give away my rubber plant cuttings because they will outgrow my lights, but I enjoy fostering them. I find that an individual cutting will either rot or survive within about a week. If they develop a root system, they will thrive.
  10. Cheers @Isaac M! Pothos is a great guess from a distant shot. Those are rubber plant cuttings. The waxy skin keeps them from rotting in water before they deploy roots. I am always happy to meet other organic soil hobbyists on the forum!
  11. I moved a few tanks and buckets. Cat nap spot with a pico, another window tank, and three buckets on two chairs.
  12. @Gumbo99, I think long mode is the default, and tall mode is a hobbyist mod.
  13. Backpacks are somewhat like pet merchandise.
  14. @Patrick_G, there is only one version of the Nano, but there are two ways to use the L piece.
  15. I haven’t used a lot of HOB filters. I haven’t tried the AquaClear or Tidal to compare, but I love my Dymax Slim Flo. It starts automatically after a power cycle, the plastic is good, and it is very quiet. It is also very slim, low-profile, and fits AC foam. The SF-500 model is symmetrical, which as @Daniel has noticed, is important to this particular Nerm.
  16. By someone commenting, “More plants”, you might mean me. I own it.
  17. Please share anything related to archerfish. I think I may have to live vicariously for this species.
  18. I just went down the Google wormhole researching right-handed vs left-handed flounder.
  19. @Betsy, excellent framing of the shot!
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