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  1. These are finally becoming more accessible! A LFS near me has them, does anyone have any experience handling them? I’ve heard it’s like your typical congo tetra but I’m worried becuase I’ve got hard water and they’re wild caught. It’s risky to toss away $35 a fish
  2. Anyone have any luck using the whiskey barrel resin planter for an outdoor pond? Specifically this one: https://www.biglots.com/product/20-75-whiskey-barrel-resin-planter/p210020690?zcp=pd_pla_go_G_Shopping_Outdoor_Furniture_LIA_Div_3_est6343&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtO-kBhDIARIsAL6LorfV2HPnD0X8LOwqU0JT3qSwDKEb_eFp6d_Rg6Vx3mi9mc_cZXxf7tgaAvSHEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  3. Also I remember Zenzo talking about how he brought fish on a plane. I’m having trouble finding that video can someone help me?
  4. Hey everyone I’m going to Japan next month, not my first time but my first time as a fish keeper. I heard there’s a possibility that I can bring fish back. TSA allows in with my carry on in a clear plastic container. Are there any customs/wildlife restrictions I need to consider?
  5. Anyone have any tips for breeding these? I've heard treat it like a fancy bristlenose pleco, any insight?
  6. Sorry you lost a couple shrimp, what is your feeding schedule like? maybe consider overfeeding the shrimp a little more
  7. I remember the co op posting a video about this with Dean recommending a 20 gallon. Sight blocks and more than one cave
  8. So I need to dose my 40 breeder with general cure. I know that it is technically 45 gallons of water. Should I use 4 packs or 5?
  9. I see. Still in the earth eater category
  10. Does anyone have a specific species of apistos that do well in hard water
  11. Whats a small geo that people here like and what are their care requirements?
  12. do you mean..it doesnt matter what side you put the air on or its just leaking air?
  13. Hey to anyone out there who keeps apistos, can do well in hard water? My LFS strongly advises against it, yet I'm seeing some people say don't worry about hardness. My current water is like 300 ppm.
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