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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. In my marine days, I ended up with accidental colonies of arthropods, copepods, or perhaps shrimp, breeding in my canister filters. They were all-white from no light, and I’m sure that I didn’t appreciate them as I would today.
  2. I tried to take my friend’s dog for a walk today, but we didn’t get very far. I just rescued a bumblebee. I love them!
  3. I try to run my tanks so that that each ecosystem is stable and compatible. I prefer to let biology do the work.
  4. Welcome! I hope that you keep your existing tank going, if you choose to go bigger.
  5. Shrimp love an algae wall. Hair algae can look gorgeous on wood, like a 1980’s hair band.
  6. Sunday Brunch: My Village: The Orb, Little Fluffy Clouds:
  7. Are ceramic rings or spheres part of your filter media? They can leave some dusty debris.
  8. @Isaac M, I love seeing the updates. It is fun having some other folks on the forum running organic soil tanks!
  9. Emotionally, this was what made me feel good about owning it: Knock on wood; I hope it never goes off!
  10. @CalmedByFish, while my Apex purchase was intentional, my LDM purchase wasn’t. I paid for a used rimless 12 gallon, but it broke in shipping, so I took an LDM and a Lunar Simulation Module, rather than a refund. Maybe I will do some testing for the forum.
  11. If monitoring would help you relax, there are leak detection kits, both standalone and as part of a larger system. I have the Neptune Systems Apex with their Leak Detection Module and a couple of sensors.
  12. On a previous forum, some folks were experimenting with reverse undergravel filters, with flow moving up through the substrate.
  13. I ran UGFs as a youth, even one model with a bubble wall instead of uplift tubes. I always used them with gravel. I saw the weed fabric idea. Another thing to consider under the sand would be CaribSea Rhyzomat, although I bet sand would still get through.
  14. There is a secret maze in Ladybird’s patterns.
  15. This suggestion has probably been posted before, but sometimes a water top-off of a different temperature can trigger breeding.
  16. I don’t see most accidental inhabitants as nasties. I have earthworms living in my folks’ substrate, and a dragonfly grew up in terrestrial moss for me.
  17. I love tannins in my hard water, so I do not do anything to remove them.
  18. I would not bleach it! I have used old wood in tanks after years.
  19. I love seeing the continuing community spirit of this forum. 🌮🌮🌮
  20. Your aquarium looks so awesome. I think that you should rename your thread (edit the first post), with an ongoing journal title.
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