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  1. Hi! I just realized that a colony of tiny white little creatures (that look like mites) living in a piece of driftwood in my aquarium. I was wondering if somebody can help me to identify if this should be taken care of. Or, if it is part of the ecosystem. It is a 7 gallon aquarium with a HOB, a few pieces of driftwood, river rocks, and a few aquatic plants like java fern, tiger lotus and anubias. I would provide pictures but at this moment can't. I'll post them if somebody answers. Thanks!
  2. So, I just recently got a new dwarf lily bulb, which has been doing great! It’s been growing at a rapid pace and I’m very happy. The one issue I had was my betta picking at it, but I immediately stopped it. I put a glass cover over it and it’s been growing fine. However…. Taking a closer look, I can see what my betta was really after. There are these little white transparent “bugs” on my bulb that go in and out of it. I’m not sure what these are and if I should be concerned for my fish and plants? Is this normal on bulbs? Are they just harmless little organisms? I bought this bulb from aquarium co-op so idk if this is normal or if these are from the dirt it’s packed in. Here’s a video I took and a picture for reference: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/592535000197496835/869292243427684362/video0.mov and here’s a better close up of one of the bigger bugs: Any input is appreciated!
  3. @Cory hey you told me in that last live stream yesterday to post on forum hope these work was the last super chat of the stream white mite like bugs living in tank not appearing to harm fish but fish also want nothing to do with it. Won’t eat them etc what is it what do I do? It’s not letting me upload video but just imagine them wiggling around on glass
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