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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. This is a new feature for us, but I think it also includes other metrics like reactions. I’m still looking into the details for the points.
  2. I like keeping around six, and they will also pal around with SAEs, and sometimes other fish. They seem to like a messy tank with lots of options for grazing.
  3. Please try now and let us know.
  4. I will see if we can have this feature count previous activity.
  5. Great thread! I like having the Apple Books version of her book for the search function and bookmarks. I’m sure that is true with Kindle too. I certainly didn’t catch everything on my first read, and I go back often, especially when threads like this come up.
  6. One for the states, one for the provinces, another for Europe or other continents!
  7. Should we make a poll, perhaps more than one?
  8. I think we have six members from Vermont that I know of. Not bad, per capita!
  9. I commissioned that rimmed mount, but I did not follow-through on getting one or more made. I got suggestions on 3D-printing companies who can take a file and send me a product. I’m sure that there are Canadian companies who can do this. I have run Nanos on glass with felt feet, and it looks like you found a similar way to use yours.
  10. @James Black, do you have have access to a 3D printer for the rimmed option? Congrats on your new light! I love the Nanos so much.
  11. Aquarium Masters, Deep Blue, and Seapora are all the same low-iron aquariums. The one labeled as 5 is because it can provide five spaces with four optional glass dividers. I describe it as an approximately 2.5 gallon aquarium, and I have three of them with organic soil, two with shrimp, with the third soon. I have three of their 3.5 gallon cube tanks, two with mulm and plants, and a third as a planted organic soil tank with a betta. I also have a 1.25 with organic soil, plants, wood, and snails: a wet houseplant. Those are all in my indoor journal. If you start a tiny tank, it helps to let it season for a while with plants and wood. I only top-off my tiny tanks, but I might be lucky with my water, since I can off-gas chlorine with some time in a bucket. Another option would be to top-off from a larger stable tank. Cheers
  12. We have a community thread for these lights.
  13. My cat was taking a nap in a chair: Meanwhile, only a few feet away: A chipmunk came in through the window and took a nap! I caught him in a cup and brought him outside.
  14. You can use the Nano directly on a glass lid, with four felt pads to be safe with heat. The included mount does not fit rimmed tanks without modification. The 3D-printed rimmed mount design in this thread is free to use.
  15. I love tagging the retail Co-Op threads. I hope to one-day visit the retail store.
  16. With all the box stores, it is all about whether they have employees and managers who care. Actually, this is true for most small businesses too.
  17. I have three local box stores. One has an okay plant selection, another has a good tank selection, and the third is probably understaffed. I also have two small LPS (local pet stores), who take good care of smaller selections. I haven't visited an aquarium-specific store for more than a decade. I think in smaller markets like Vermont, you have to sell cat food and dog food to stay open. I am grateful to have my LPS, even with just a few racks of fish and plants. Somebody cares enough to make that happen.
  18. I like to have some algae, for all my shrimp, snails, and grazers, but just enough.
  19. There are many threads for choosing substrate. I think this thread is good to talk about details for how different folks run with organic soil.
  20. @Prajwal, your tank looks beautiful! I have not tried to grow your carpeting plants. I would try your new schedule for a few weeks and see what happens. My variations on the white lights are just for variety, so you could consider them at the median level. See how your plant growth compares to your algae growth and adjust from there. Let us know how it goes.
  21. I'm really enjoying this thread. This forum seems to have collected some organic soil fans, and everyone is so supportive. Cheers from my smallest aquariums and houseplants, cousins in my eye:
  22. I finally went sailboat racing for the first time in long time, after sailing only once in 2020. It was a beautiful evening, and I’m exhausted and happy!
  23. Wood is gold for Neocaridina. I would never keep them without it.
  24. I haven’t run under gravel filters since I was in high school, but I don’t think they need more than the gentle flow of a sponge filter.
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