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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. @shkote, please add your journal to your signature:
  2. Visit a local glass store with measurements, and ask them to chamfer the edges, so you have no sharp edges. It should be very affordable!
  3. The symmetrical activity to photosynthesis is plant respiration. @Daniel has provided commentary on this topic which has been very useful to me.
  4. Seapora/Deep Blue/Aquarium Masters (same products), make some nice low-iron tanks of various sizes, many rimless. They are my favorite tanks besides my Askoll, which is a rare brand in North America. I think sponge filters hidden behind plants and hardscape can let any tank look nice and minimal. @ARMYVET, do you have a journal with your Landen? My Askoll has AOI features which are hidden in the hood, but it made the light front-biased, so I moved to a different configuration.
  5. I enjoy pineapple on pizza if it is paired with a dry protein like certain sausage varieties. The bad reputation for pineapple is when it is combined with grease, oil, or too much fat, such as with pepperoni.
  6. With local pet stores, I am curious to know how easy it is to recognize regular customers. I have visited and said, “I’m the planted tank guy who sometimes buys out all your Neo shrimp.” (It is a small store!) This is a nice shortcut from the customer side. They just ask me how I want them separated.
  7. I agree with all the suggestions involving a nice boring ecosystem with all sorts of biological snacks that are the side effects of a stable balance.
  8. Nice write-up! I know that Colorado reference! https://www.beaujos.com
  9. I finally tried the Cabot Seriously Sharp, and it was really good. It has shells just like Annie’s.
  10. Some messes clean-up faster than others! I stirred the Askoll 20 a bit more!
  11. To beat the heat, I had to clean some sponges, increase flow, remove duckweed, remove a light, and remove lids. I did add some mulm to a 2.5 to get it ready for shrimp. For my optional HoBs, it seems that the prefilter for each catches about four times as much as the filter sponges. I don't really need them for filtering, but I am glad to have them moving water during this heat. I just squeezed out the prefilter sponges right into the tank water in photos 1 and 3. In photo two, I added mulm water. The other three are just shots of the 2.5 shrimp tanks with no changes.
  12. My bedroom has my biggest 20 gallon aquarium, and my air conditioner. I’m getting Apex alerts about temperature going past 80F. I removed a second light that I had running to drop the heat. I will be removing the lid for my 16 gallon downstairs and adding a fan. Vermont is feeling the heat today too!
  13. (Found on Reddit)
  14. I’m watching The Martian again. Let’s do the math.
  15. The Martian is the best aquarium novel. We learn about ecosystems.
  16. @eatyourpeas, I got Neal Stephenson to sign his Wired magazine article about wiring the world at a book reading in Boulder. The Baroque Cycle was amazing, especially with the Cryptonomicon. Seveneves was great.
  17. Tannins are amazing! Embrace the tea and the benefits.
  18. I must admit that I enjoy reading Pizza arguments between New York, New Jersey, and New Haven! I love a foldable thin crust slice.
  19. I love the first cyberpunk books by William Gibson: Burning Chrome, Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive I started reading these in high school, before the world-wide web, when my most expensive possessions were my Mac, a US Robotics modem, and a second phone line for my BBS. Those stories, and others from authors like Bruce Sterling, envisioned the future of the Internet, and inspired a lot of nerds and geeks to make it happen. I remember when I showed up at CU Boulder in summer of 1993 and asked for Ethernet in my dorm room, and the housing director said that I was the first to ask, and gave me a job running a computer lab. I have been in IT ever since. These books helped shape my life!
  20. Amon Tobin - Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
  21. Thank you for volunteering to start a pizza thread.
  22. I think that all hobby threads that bring joy, also build community. These connections help when we talk about our aquarium stuff.
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