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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. This was my Betta tank until I moved her. I removed the wood and moved the tank. I need to plant the other 3.5s. It is quite the mess right now, which really makes me want to add shrimp.
  2. I am all about organic soil tanks, generally with the Walstad book as my template, although I have updated my cap formula as I have learned more. All of my journals are in my signature.
  3. It is a cube from Aquarium Masters/Deep Blue/Seapora. I enjoy the low-iron tanks. Cheers!
  4. Amano shrimp have no fear, and unlimited hunger!
  5. This is my 7.5, with Ember tertras, Neos, and a few Dwarf Corys, organic soil, sponge filter, and Fluval Plant Nano, Mopani wood, and lots of plants.
  6. Interesting, @xXInkedPhoenixX ! I don’t have the space to work on breeding more than shrimp. However, I did notice that my White Clouds dropped a bunch of eggs when I moved them indoors with new well water last year at my folks’ house.
  7. I will admit that I am testing Betta temperature. This is my biggest question for the future club event. I was glad to move mine to a community tank, which gets heat from two Nano sponge filters, and a 15” Fluval 3.0. I really won’t have any good feedback until Autumn or Winter.
  8. @jkt001, it seems like if my apartment is okay for me, it works for these fish, plus bladder snails, and Ramshorn snails. The air temperature probably varies between 66F and 80F, although I have gotten more aggressive with my AC to try to max out at 78F for my tanks. I’m not trying to keep any hot fish. The tanks with lights obviously get more heat.
  9. I have removed the heaters from all of my tanks. I keep White Clouds, Neocaridina shrimp, Amano shrimp, Otocinclus, Pygmy Corydoras, Siamese Algae Eaters, Ember Tetras, Bloodfin Tetras, a Yo-yo loach, and a Betta.
  10. I haven’t made a video in quite a while. I will try to make something because this forum has been so important to my mental health during such a difficult year. We have such an amazing community, and I really appreciate @Cory for building this forum for us to come together and share our hobby of keeping things alive in water.
  11. If you are interested in siestas, this is a side topic to the Fluval 3.0 thread.
  12. I would get outlets with built-in USB if I were building a fish room.
  13. @ARMYVET, this is the tank. I have four MF10s in there now, but dealing with turtle waste is a lot of work. I'm not really responsible for this tank, but I seem to have a thing for aquariums.
  14. No matter your pond intentions, please include a long stick or piece of wood that extends out of the water. You want visiting critters to have a way out.
  15. I help out with a turtle in a 55 gallon tank at our middle school. I am willing to spend my own money if I can find a canister filter that can self-prime in a half-full 55 gallon.
  16. @Colu might be the first person in the UK to get a Co-Op shipment!
  17. I grew out a bunch of rubber plants, and gave all of them away a few days ago. I hope to do this every year!
  18. Thanks @Odd Duck! I moved my Betta from a 3.5 to a 16 gallon community tank. She seems happier, and I won’t keep Bettas in tiny tanks again.
  19. It also looks similar to a Ramshorn snail in a bit of biofilm.
  20. I moved a Betta to an unheated tank. It seems to be thriving. I am looking forward to the club presentation that covers Bettas.
  21. The ambient light from the room will be sweet. That space is gorgeous!
  22. I should probably replace that photo. I have more lights than tanks, so that was just an experiment.
  23. Breeding shrimp is my favorite form of success in the freshwater hobby!
  24. I would recommend the Fluval Plant 3.0, or Kessil A360x Tuna Sun if you have the budget. @Daniel has the Kessil units, and we have a thread for the Fluval lights.
  25. Congratulations! Don’t read your invoices, be surprised, and take photos or videos! @Lizzie Block, is it possible to keep them from getting spoiler emails from shipping?
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