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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. And for contrast, young White Clouds sped up:
  2. @Brandy, you are strong enough to buy a house and Betta in the same month!
  3. I use combs, hair picks, and nets to remove it. I give some of it to a turtle tank. Another option if you don’t have fry, tiny fish, or shrimp, is to run an Eheim skimmer with no foam in it, to just macerate the duckweed in the tank.
  4. @James Black, gently separate those clumps and plant more!
  5. @BIG GREEN, please don’t give up on Otocinclus. Just make sure that they can graze on wood, mulm, and algae.
  6. @Patrick_G, jump in that thread if you have any questions. @Daniel has also tested other systems, but the Apex remains the market leader, mostly because of support and compatibility. The programming is very old-school, but does just enough. You only need the EL unit for freshwater unless you need 0-10V pump or powerhead control on day one.
  7. With my dual siesta lighting schedule, I get to enjoy seeing shy species come out when the lights go down, with a little ambient light in the background.
  8. Some of us use the Neptune Systems Apex for monitoring and control:
  9. I have not yet tried male Bettas. I thought the females were under-appreciated, so I was drawn to them. The Bloodfin tetras are probably my current favorite tetras, but I might be getting some new inhabitants soon, so I am moving some fish around to prepare. I will probably be moving all of the White Clouds from my parents’ tank to my cousins’ pond next, to open up a seasoned tank.
  10. This tank has Bloodfin tetras, Glow-fin tetras, Otoclinclus, Siamese algae eaters, and yellow Neocaridina shrimp, plus bladder snails and Ramshorn snails. It might also have Pygmy Corydoras. Cheers!
  11. She is thriving and getting along. Her previous tank was a healthy home, but it was getting hard to keep up with the water top-offs from evaporation. It might become another shrimp tank. I have never moved a fish with lights-out, but maybe it was a good idea.
  12. I changed my signature to a very small font, with two different blue colors, so it could fit in one line, or two on mobile.
  13. I just moved my female betta from a 3.5 to my community 16 bow, because she needed more space. I hope she gets along with her new tank mates! I will take a photo tomorrow.
  14. I think that Fish Folk has more items in the Completed List than most of us of us have in the To-Do List. I also think that Fish Folk thrives on adding things to the list.
  15. I am really impressed with the self-organizing community that has come together on this forum within the last year!
  16. The reeds died, and I stuffed them underwater to decompose, but the other two collected species are thriving. I dumped in some mulm and some Easy Green, and the lights are doing their thing. The roots are awesome. I'm tempted to just pour in some organic soil and then some gravel. I would encourage everyone to keep utility buckets. You can have a lot of fun with your scraps and staging, without any pressure. This bucket could support fish if I needed a safe spot for a move or something. I haven't seen any Zebra mussels yet, which gives me a clue about where they like to live on the lake (shade). It all smells rather minty after handling it! What was really cool with those collected plants is that their root systems were just networked around hand-sized rocks, with no other real substrate, but they went three or four rock layers deep. It took me several minutes to pull out each plant clump without breaking major roots. These were collected in about two feet of water.
  17. Hundreds of perch out around the docks today!
  18. This is a new feature for us, but I think it also includes other metrics like reactions. I’m still looking into the details for the points.
  19. I like keeping around six, and they will also pal around with SAEs, and sometimes other fish. They seem to like a messy tank with lots of options for grazing.
  20. Please try now and let us know.
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