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Everything posted by Brandy

  1. Totally honest, this would be a great time to try salt--I have not treated GBR with salt, so you may want to hear from someone else for specifics or caveats, but given that salt will have an effect on both fungus and bacteria, I think it would be a great cheap option that actually has the highest likelihood of a rapid resolution. In case you have not already seen this, here is Cory discussing the advantages of salt.
  2. Hi @Dragula87, welcome. I think since you have tried treating for fungus without success, the better plan might be to treat for bacteria next. The two can look quite a bit alike, and are hard to tell apart. Maracyn is the Aquarium co-op recommended option, but there may be other brands to try, and salt is also a great option if he is in a quarantine tank.
  3. I would like to suggest one other solution. Stop using EasyGreen entirely, and instead go for a trace mineral fertilizer for a couple of weeks and see if your nitrates issue resolves. The idea being that you will get the plants to use up the nitrates they have, and only supplement the trace minerals they may be lacking. Then only supplement EasyGreen when nitrates drop below 10-15ppm. Your tank doesn't look over stocked. You may also want to double check that you don't have nitrates in your source/tap water.
  4. I'm going to get science-y. According to Wikipedia, humans can detect H2S at 0.047 parts per billion, and toxicity is far above that level. Even in deep aquifers where H2S can be dissolved in the water over a long time (due to not being able to escape to the air) one of the common ways to remove it from water (for drinking) is simple aeration. I think you are right on the money with your air stone, and even if you never disturbed the substrate, the aeration would more than solve the problem.
  5. It is a big-ish drop, but not a shocking number. Mine generally give less, but they are mutts who have less than optimal conditions.
  6. Just pack in the plants and use a nice sized gravel in a natural color, and you will never see the poop, and it will become fertilizer. If you have tons of plants and cover and are still worried about debris, you could add shrimp, which, unlike snails add very little, very small poops.
  7. They do "go away" or something eventually eats them in my tanks--not totally sure which. As I have a large number of snails and a large number of tanks I have noticed that if you get all the female nerites out of a particular tank you can have an egg free tank. While I know people can sex them, I just "catch them in the act" I leave the males in my display tank and put the females in the grow out tanks where the eggs don't bother me as much.
  8. Get every affected anubias plant (and all remnants) out of the tank. Do a large volume water change. Possibly do 2 smaller volume changes back to back if you have sensitive fish. Then cross your fingers and hope, and watch the remaining plants for signs of disease. Keep up on fertilizer and water changes. I did salvage most of mine this way. If you want to try to salvage any part of the other plants, cut them back hard, so no mushy parts are left, and try to let them recover either in another tank with no anubias plants, or in a jar of dechlorinated water on the window sill. I have only managed to save one this way. It still only has one leaf months later.
  9. The picture I have in my head is of a chihuahua going to town on a great dane's leg... 🤣
  10. This is going to sound a little odd, but I think the endlers are bent on breeding the platies. You have some choices, either you get the endlers some girls of their own, or you get more platies to spread their attentions out. They are not likely to be successful, but that may not stop them from trying. Male endler breeding behavior involves a lot of chasing, nipping at sides and "dancing" sideways to show off fins.
  11. sounds good. Alternatively you could quarantine him and treat him separately, if the tank he is in is large that will be more cost effective. I would assume there could be some bacteria in there as well potentially, the bacteria/fungus can sometimes act in tandem, or mimic each other.
  12. API General Cure is an anti-parasite medicine. You do not have parasites. Salt--plain salt with no other additives-- would be a better bet. If by "rock salt" you mean a product for your driveway, I would think it would be a terrible idea. If it is for a food-safe use it probably is ok. Check the ingredients, and if it is anything other than plain salt, post a pic of the ingredients and we can probably sort it out.
  13. Basically all the Pseudomugil spp. are "dwarf rainbow fish" and the two smallest are Pseudomugil gertrudae, and Pseudomugil luminatus. The coloration can vary by individual, some are deep yellow and others can be almost silvery gold. They also color up more deeply when breeding, so worth having a male and a few females to get the best color.
  14. Huh. mine do not do that. I have a different brand than the Co-op ones I think.
  15. Don't lose hope, The roots are the important part. Mine were slow to pick up, root tabs may help.
  16. I am having trouble seeing the black all over them. It looks like they are just coming in slightly darker. I have a plant that does something similar, new growth is sort of dark grayish, and then as it grows it greens up. almost like how some terrestrial plants will have reddish new growth and then shift to green as the leaves mature. I believe there are even red sword varieties that do that.
  17. +1 on the BDBS. For the record you want the medium one, it is made of coal slag, and it is "sharp" due to it's intended purpose to sandblast things. However it is normal feeling sand, and works great as an attractive fish safe substrate.
  18. Yeah, I mean, If you have done something like ordered 2 strains and want help telling which is which someone might be able to help you. I have mutts for a big box store. They could be anything, and offspring are all kinds of colors, despite the parents being fairly consistent in coloring. In any case I think the SPECIES is Poecilia reticulata, but even then it is possible to have them cross with Poecilia wingei (Endlers) and you may not be able to tell...
  19. I do this with both lotus and dwarf aquarium lilies.
  20. Fair enough, and heaven help me if I tried to touch a juvenile salmon or own an eagle feather (which you can find shed here) in the PNW. There are extensive guidelines for all kinds of collections here. I do think there are applicable permits for many things, and what is considered a protected vs invasive trash species varies from state to state. I was not seriously planning to do any collecting in WA and there is a specific permit for transporting any live fish in WA. It is complicated, which is why people don't do this. That said, I undoubtedly broke the law constantly as a child, with jars of something living kept for a period of time for observation...a normal part of kid life in the country. Might have been crickets, might have been tadpoles, might have been a juvenile channel catfish...
  21. Fish farmers! Algae-farming fish domesticate tiny shrimp to help run their farms PHYS.ORG Humans are experts at domesticating other species and our world would be unrecognizable without it. There would...
  22. UPDATE: Now that I have had this running for a little over a month I can say that I do not achieve anywhere near 100% recovery. I do get a steady influx of new fry. For the casual hobbyist who wants to prevent unrestrained cross breeding, this is near perfect. I allow fry to grow rapidly in the baby chamber where I feed heavily until they can be sexed, then I separate fry to sorted tanks for the final grow out. I get enough fry to have fun with, without being overwhelmed. This would work even better if they were a single strain I suspect. Once I have identified new breeding candidates, I can add them to the parent chamber and the cycle continues. This set up is directly next to my home office desk where I can keep a close eye on the action.
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