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Everything posted by Brandy

  1. I have found one of these in one of my nano tanks...I fed it to my angel fish, who is my largest, most aggressively hungry, and most responsive except for the betta (I can point to food and they rush over, lol). I suspect there are more in the substrate. Shudder.
  2. Hi Jose! I am in Seattle too--there are quite a few of us on here, of course. Welcome! Your tanks look great, can't wait to see what you do with the 40g.
  3. @KBOzzie59 I know, right? Maybe if it were more than 4 LEDs...which would then hurt your fish? 😆 Sorry, @James Black I have no basis of opinion of the light, but the description is an amazon gem.
  4. Totally OT, but I am jealous of your move. So, so jealous. I LOVE Thailand.
  5. I have no experience with the drugs you are using, but I would probably add an antifungal to your treatment--though with time salt will also handle fungal issues. I think the triple sulfa is treating for bacteria, and white fuzz can be either bacteria or fungi. I would keep feeding well and keep up with water changes as you have been, and most likely all fish will recover with or without treatment--but do treat if you can. In all honesty, you are a better, more conscientious fish keeper than I am already--you have some lucky fishes! Excellent post and welcome to the forum!
  6. I have soft water. I think, like anything, "it depends on the plant", with some being suited to hard, some to soft. I would say, having soft water is easier to correct than having hard water that you have to install a RODI system to correct. Sand is less than ideal, but you know that. It is less that they truly compact I think, than that fish poo and other nutrient rich mulm sits on top and doesn't penetrate. It looks like you have a lot of swords, and some anubias...Those are kinda opposite. The anubias is a water column feeder, grows slowly, has low light requirements, and doesn't use the substrate. The Swords have higher light requirements, are heavy root feeders, and once established will really grow pretty fast. That "once established" part is key--with root feeders they start growing right away, but all the initial growth is underground where we can't see it. They build a root system first and then add leaves. It looks like you have good light and so far not much algae. I am guessing your tank has been set up for under 2 months. Your plants look fine for their age.
  7. I inherited an Anubias nana petite covered bonsai tree. Prior to getting it it was languishing untended in a vacant apartment. I replaced the lighting with slightly better quality lights, and started giving it fertilizer, and the leaves got bigger while it put on a massive growth spurt.
  8. I have had a USB air pump fail in under 6 months in a deeper 29g. It gave great pressure initially, but then started making noise and dramatically decreased its output. Clearly a damaged diaphragm. It is the only one out of the 5 I run. Continuous use at deeper depths MIGHT impact pump longevity. Or I may have gotten one lemon-- n=5 is too small of a sample size to be sure. At $9/ea it is worth the risk, and I have a backup handy.
  9. Do you have a build thread about the big living room aquarium? something that outlines all the tech and equipment and so on?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daniel


      It is a big low-tech tank in disguise 🙂

    3. Brandy


      I was wondering... It has no filtration, but is there an air stone or a powerhead? do you have some kind of current making device, or is it totally still, aside from any convection created by heat differentials?

    4. Daniel


      There is a recirculating pump. It is the green pump in this picture. Once the water is in the tank is goes in a big loop and down to this pump and up the up again to complete the circle. But no airstone or anything in the aquarium. It is not totally still at all, there is a noticeable flow in the tank.


  10. TBH I think the green water looks beautiful.
  11. Our water is wicked expensive people. It is counter intuitive, but it is true. My cost for water and sewer is higher in western Washington in a small apartment as a single person than It was in a house with a lush garden and a 4 person home in Sacramento, California. @E-Man, the struggle is real! 🙂
  12. I've seen them on amazon, but I went looking for the square bottom bags and found some here. Dean also had a simple way of making the bags square with packing tape--just taping the "ears" down. It is at about 11:45 on this video. You likely saw that already, since you are asking about the square bags though. 🙂
  13. Sorry, they are snail eggs. In the morning I will try to get a good pic of some, I have lots of examples, but they are exactly what you describe.
  14. At some point you might get a mat of roots, which would slow your flow. That is the only issue I can really think of. It depends on whether you plan to plant thickly and how many roots your particular plants want to put out.
  15. hmmm. I have to say I think the paraclense makes sense in this case, but the seizure is more of a neurological thing--I had a tetra randomly do that once, and had to euthanize, I assumed advanced parasite or disease. Luckily that was an isolated incident for me.
  16. On the other hand, who knows maybe forked tails are allergic to hydra? In that case, I still think a cheap guppy from another hobbyist (facebook or craigslist maybe?) or even a LFS would be a great solution.
  17. The rainbows are little rocks when it comes to water parameters, I will give you that. They can be anxious and shy though. I don't think it is the hydra. How did you use the med trio? one dose soaking for a week, or a full round of at least paraclense? Can you give us anymore info about your symptoms and how you are feeding?
  18. I have only seen hydra tinier than a blood worm, and they do not seem to be able to harm anything, not my neocaridina that breed constantly, and not my spotted blue eye rainbows. In my tanks I would just throw a guppy in there and they would eat them all though.
  19. WOAH! That is so COOL. I have no idea what it is, but it acts like larvae or something? polyps of some kind? @Daniel has to see this. Have you added any new plants recently?
  20. So, the question I have is why do you think you need this medication? Most of the people I have heard from on this forum have not had any issues caused by hydra. Here is a thread: However, if you are really bothered by them (some people are just squicked out--totally ok if you just don't want them), here is another thread: I have not used that particular medicine, and I haven't heard of it either, sorry I can't be more helpful... I would assume you could treat with it between paraclense, but I would keep an eye on the fish and shrimp and be ready to change water if they seem stressed.
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