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Everything posted by Brandy

  1. 48 gallon tank acquired (random find on craigslist)!! Exactly fits the space! I am SO excited! Current plan is black sand and gravel, Val, possibly a red lotus in a easy planter, pile of rocks with Anubias/java fern, 2 sponge filters, and either a green terror, electric blue acara, or similar, depending on what becomes available locally. Debating on buried grid to help keep val in the gravel, and whether there would be enough room for a Synodontis eupterus... Thanks everyone for the suggestions!
  2. @Daniel I thought that had been reported before, I just couldn't remember where.
  3. +1 the root tabs. My val had filled in nicely with just easy green and fish poo, but I got a small pack of root tabs in a care pack and so I said "what the heck" and tucked in 3 across the back of a 30" long tank. I am not kidding, the Val grew 4-6 inches in a week, and is finally laying over on top of the water.
  4. I tried hydrogen peroxide and it killed moss really well, but everything else in the tank, including the algae seemed fine. I have since been treating with excel for Staghorn algae. I tried treating the whole tank with a low dose and it seemed to work then rebounded the second I stopped. So I tried spot application underwater and that did very little also. So I took out 50% of the water, and used a syringe to apply to half the problem areas heavily above water and manually removed as much of the rest as I could. I then refilled and did an immediate second 50% water change. My shrimp, fish and snails made it but they were stressed until the second water change, which on a 29g only took a few minutes. The areas I treated have stayed pretty clear, while areas I didn't treat act like they got nuclear powered miracle grow. Going to hit them this week. In my case the underlying issue is a large central piece of drifwood that is near to the surface directly under bright lights with slow growing moss and epiphytes only on it. If I can get the val to choke off the light over it that may help. I am considering using electrical tape to black out the leds directly above also.
  5. Lol, I figured as much. Marketing...clearly I should try to get the Jazz Hands name to stick just to muddy the waters further! 😎
  6. I am having fun with breeding my mutts, but I am curious about how strains and color patterns are named and defined. Some names are self explanatory like "mosaic", and I have even figured out some more subtle names. I have noticed that the difference between green/purple/blue is sometimes fuzzy, and I am fairly stumped when it comes to the difference between "dragon" and "metal head". I see dumbo guppies should have larger pectoral fins...but I also see guppies with any color on their pectoral fins listed as "dumbo", which I think is incorrect? Is there a name for this type of coloration--specifically the pectoral fins that carry color but are normal sized? I really like that feature but I am having trouble figuring out how to search for it. (personally I think it should be "Jazz Hand Guppies" lol) Thanks!
  7. @Fish Folk That is a beautiful tank for a completely non-planted tank...I love the greenery at the top.
  8. Doesn't get much more common than neon tetras. There are other varieties of neons that can give the effect of more blue by having no red, but they are not as common. Check out the green neon tetra for instance. I think you can probably just keep adding neons for more blue impact. They will want some medication when you first get them and some quality frozen food to get them boosted up, I have found, if you want to minimize losses. Some batches get very sick and others are little rocks, I have not figured out a good way to predict that.
  9. @braids I think I have seen some discussions of the type @Cory would prefer that would still get you the information you need. I have seen numerous posts about favorite (or hated) heaters for instance, pros and cons of certain filtration methods and brands, lighting, etc. I recently asked everyone for suggestions on large wet-pet fish. I got tons of suggestions, but I never asked them where to find said fish, or where to get a good price on the fish. I know Aquarium Co-op mostly sells smaller community fish, so I will likely have to find my fish elsewhere, even though I am local. I think the point is talk about what you like, ask what other people like, but do your own shopping legwork. However, I admit I have made the mistake of letting people know about sales--the dollar per gallon sale Cory mentions above. My intent was a public service announcement, but I did not have any grasp of how that would have unintended consequences for the ACO customer service team. I appreciate knowing that, because it makes it easier to understand the logic behind the guidelines, and makes me hopefully better at making the right decisions to support the community.
  10. closer to 10ppm in my actual testing. Either that is off, or the "pump" dispenses less than 1ml... I should measure that actually. It can't be much less.
  11. Understandable. I am sure they will be able to help you one way or the other, but I know it has been hard to get some things due to Covid. I just wasn't sure if you were local from you original post. Since you are they may have good ideas.
  12. Let's try this instead. @Robert can you maybe help this guy out when you get a chance? There, they probably would have seen it anyway, but now they for sure will. You could go to the web site and at the bottom of the page there is a "contact us" link. I know it just gives a form for shipping/order questions and they don't ship fish, but I think that would also have gotten you to the right folks. Good Luck and welcome!
  13. I don't know their up to date stocking off hand, but I suspect that if you wanted to be notified it might be worth it to email them or ask if there is a way to order it thru them.
  14. But if you make the math match real life I very much want to know!!😎
  15. My conversions were pre coffee and not to be trusted at all. I did at least try to do the math you are attempting.
  16. Drive to the Aquarium co-op? Sorry, where are you located? I mean there are some on Ebay right now, so I am guessing you want something more local to you.
  17. We have been down this road before. I think what you really want to know is more easily arrived at empirically. I have no nitrate naturally occurring in my water, and despite a fairly heavily stocked 29g, I never have any detectible nitrate due to bioload--I have a VERY heavily planted tank. Like an underwater jungle in a box. It takes at least 4 pumps to get over 10ppm from a "scratch" for me, and I think probably 4-5 to get to 20+, which in my tank would remain above 10ppm for about 3 days. If you do not have an underwater jungle, you probably need less.
  18. While that is sad to hear, time may not have solved that issue. "Wait to get shrimp" generally relates to having enough biofilm for the shrimp to eat and not having ammonia/nitrite spikes. Molting issues, especially rapid onset like that, usually has to do with some kind of shock, such as pH or minerals in the tank, I think. I do think one or 2 non-breeding snails (like nerites) would be easier than the otos--or just wait for hitchhikers to show up. However, a 10 gallon is more than enough for a betta, tetras, and even otos, and all the fish have a low bioload and use different levels of the tank--within reason I don't like to try to tell people what to have. I have 3 otos in a 29 gallon. I have trouble finding a stitch of algae (except staghorn which nothing much eats). I suspect 6 might be more than 10 gallons will be able to feed, but they are fun fish in their own right. I toss mine a slice of cucumber every now and then for insurance.
  19. I actually would do this in the opposite order. Neons, then Otos, then Betta last. This way the most territiorital fish doesn't have time to set up a territory. You let most shy fish gain confidence without harassment.
  20. actually, I believe as long as they are not direct competition it is ok? like yes aquariums, no to plants.
  21. Do the looks of Hang on Back, Canister filters, or sponge filters bother you, if so why? I don't mind the looks of any of them, however, depending on the position in my room I might choose one over the other for space reasons, for instance a HOB requires clearance behind or beside the tank which may not be available. What function would you want to add to Hang on back or Canister filters? Always a prefilter sponge--both for filtration and to exclude shrimp and fry. How often and why do you clean your hang on Back or Canister filter? I clean often, due to overstocking, sometimes 2-4x/ month. I clean when I see a reduction in flow or an increase in particulates in the water. How do you clean your Canister or Hang on Back filter? I rinse components in tank water, check and clean the impeller, and reassemble. (is their something specific that bothers you about this process) It is messy and a pain--for my canister. After it tends to murk up the water as residual particulates in the line are released in the tank. It clears rapidly though. What types of filter media do you put in your Hang on Back or canister filter, why? Sponge and floss mostly, and polishing pads. I am mostly trying to reduce particulates in the water. In what ways do you modify your Hang on Back or Canister Filter? I never leave the carbon in, because I want the fertilizer to stay in the water, and I usually cut my own media/floss rather than purchasing cartridges. Thanks for the response can I also get a quick quote about why you like fish keeping? I like the art of a tank, creating a tiny world that I control, which looks like a box of nature or a living diorama. I also like selectively breeding fish, and I like that they are interactive pets that aren't super demanding. I can put in as much or as little effort as I want Also any interests or hobbies? I sail, hike, and read a lot, paint...and I like anything to do with science, which is also my job. (these are supposed to "prove" I talked to people rather than just made up people) ah, teachers. seriously? you have a written public record. include a link to this post. 🙂 If you also feel comfortable to give me a name as well, i understand if you dont want too. Include a link and our screen names I think.
  22. Hurrah for the guppies!! Dooo eeeet! I have to say I have just gotten to the point that my first generation has afforded me a few beautiful choices for replacement stock, and the feeling of "progress" is a heady thing. I LOVE my guppies. In another tank I have a beautiful display of an angelfish, german blue rams and tetras--It is a beautiful tank, but the guppies are so much more interactive. The only fish in my big tank that even notices I exist is the angelfish. It is more like a painting, and doesn't feel as much like "pets"!
  23. Ermagerd. I just am sitting over here with my RO tap water and 47 bottles of additives kinda jealous as heck! Lol.
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